Hackin' it Old School

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Lists of BBSes

I spent countless hours calling BBSes where I wrote messages and email and chatted with people online. Because my computer didn't multitask (at least not easily) it was much easier to write notes on paper than on the computer. Besides, I was a high school student and came from an analog world so I was accustomed to writing by hand.

This list of BBSes includes my usernames/handles and passwords. I've purposely blocked out (in red) the phone numbers in case anybody reading this is stupid enough to call them. (You can be quite certain that not only are all these BBSes gone, but most of the numbers have been reassigned.)

BBSes on this list include Zap's Corner, PAT-80, Micronet, Pike's Peak, Yukon Country, RACS, Doctor's Office, Omega System, Sister, Commlink 1, Magic Ballroom, Arcnet, Drawing Board, After Hours, Night Shift, Pirate's Dojo, Compuserve, Apple Sauce, Riverdale 64, Marble Hill, The Hotel, M, City Limits, Omega II, Ailanthus Tree, Singularity, Fordham, Earth News Central (ENC), Bill's Bistro, Another Dimension, Chelsea Square, Psychiatrist, Friends, Star Trek, Grand Central, Fort Skyline, Steve's board [before he wrote Magpie?], Bonsai Tree, NYACC, HOST, Synthetic Cafe, MMM, Ariel BBS, Night Shift, Black Box, Xenia, Atlantic Palisades, Pulse, Dorsai Embassy, Vitasoft, Out of the Blue (OOTB), MTT Network, Manhattan South PC Board, TGB (The Great Beyond), Apple Cider, Children's TV Workshop, People-Links, The Army, Dante's Inferno, Neutral Zone, X-Rated [?], Direct Connect, X-R, Digital BBS, Firefox I, Connection-80, Vineyard, Mitan's Castle, Big Brother, The Junk Yard, Data Hose [?], VTUG, Spider's Web, CommuniTree, The Crypt, Pat-100, Marvin, CBBS, ABBS, Raven, Astrocon, Avengers, Gandolf's, Magic BBS, Time Tunnel, Kedorg's Castle, The CIA, TIF, Pipeline, New York On-Line.

Damn, I called a lot of BBSes.

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Last modified: Thu 15 October 2009 01:46:13