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Inline Skating

I used to spend much of my time on inline skates, usually at the slalom course in Central Park. See the NYC Inline Skating Guide for more info.

Central Park Skate Patrol (CPSP) I'm a volunteer member (and Webmaster) of the Central Park Skate Patrol.

Empire Skate Club of New York I'm a founding member (and former board member and former Webmaster) of the Empire Skate Club of New York.

Here are some skating-related photos.


Classical Fencing

Martinez Academy of Arms I study fencing at the Martinez Academy of Arms, one of the few schools that teaches classical (as opposed to modern) fencing.

Palm Beach Classical Fencing These days I teach classical fencing classes in West Palm Beach, FL.

I'm gathering a list of classical fencing and historical swordsmanship resources, and I administrate the Classical Fencing Mailing List, a listserv dedicated to discussing classical fencing and historical swordsmanship.

Association for Historical Fencing (AHF) I'm also a member of the Assocation for Historical Fencing.


Other Sports and Activities

When I was in high school I used to kick butt at Chinese handball. Although I haven't played in a while, I'm still up for a game any time. I also enjoy kayaking, volleyball, Frisbee, biking, running, playing pool (including bumper pool), Ping-Pong, and Scrabble.


Web Stuff Web Stuff

These days I'm a freelance programmer/analyst specializing in PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS/Javascript.

Recently I wrote a utility to convert Palm Datebook and To Do (Tasks) to CSV (comma-separated value) format.

I've worked on the following projects recently:

See my portfolio for other sites I've worked on.


Other Programming Other Programming

Prodigy While working for Prodigy I programmed and helped design Square Off, their first educational math game. I also wrote an improved JumpWindow for use by Prodigy employees.

99 Bottles of Beer I contributed this PAL program to Tim Robinson's 99 Bottles of Beer page.

Here are some public domain and shareware programs I've written that you can download. (These are DOS programs that also run under Windows.)

  • Anagrams: generates anagrams for any word or phrase you give it (, 68k)
  • Slide Show Demo: slide show (, 136k)
  • Pi Calculator: calculate pi to any number of decimal places (, 21k)
  • Star Demo: Screen saver type effects: star field, worms, snow, and more (, 51k)
  • Latin: Pig- and Egg Latin text filter (, 14k)
  • Objects: Simple artificial intelligence demo (, 22k)
  • ViewC64: view Commodore 64 graphics files that were created with Doodle (, 20k)

You can also get the source code to C, C++, Pascal and Modula-2 programs I've written which I've written over the years and have recently distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Would you like your own FREE personal Web home page? Be careful, though--the Web can also be a nightmare.

Textual Type Stuff

Stuff I've Written

Ref is a development environment for radically improving the software development process.

Wouldn't it be nice if software development methodologies were more realistic?

Recently I wrote a series of articles about software development, for both programmers and non-programmers.

The Internet Oracle I've posed these questions [~39k] as a supplicant to the Internet Oracle and I've given these answers [~94k] as an Oracular incarnation. And here's a list of digested Oracularities which I've asked or answered.


Top Five Until its demise, I moderated the Top Five Internet humor list, one of several Letterman-style "Top Ten" lists in Chris White's Top Five empire. I'm also a frequent contributor and Hall-of-Famer.

Dave's Web of Lies I've submitted these lies to Dave's Web of Lies.

Evil Overlord I've contributed to Peter Anspach's Evil Overlord List (although my contribution ended up in The Dungeon).

Tip of the DayIf you think the "Tip of the Day" feature in Microsoft products is often completely unhelpful, you might enjoy these alternate tips.

What kind of personality do you have? Take my personality test to find out.

Want to throw your own Silicon Alley new media pink slip party but don't know how to write a suitably trendy invitation?

If all those James Bond books and movie titles are starting to sound the same, you can generate your own James Bond movie title and plot.

Interested in hiring me? Read my generic résumé first.

Here's a graph showing the frequency of of phishing emails I've received over a three-year period.


Stuff I've Collected


The Funny Name Server Around 1990 I collected some interesting names from an electronic telephone directory. Recently I used them to create the Funny Name Server.

More recently I collected these least common female first names from a census study.

And speaking of names, here are America's Funniest Aliases, taken from law enforcement agencies worldwide.


In the early 1980s, phone s*x companies in New York City used to hand out folded fliers that looked deceptively like a $10 or $20 bill, but which upon unfolding turned out to be nothing more than an ad for their services.

It seems every victim of a grizzly death in Jack T. Chick religious tracts yells the same thing just as their life is ending: "YAAAHH!"

German-English phrasesI found these, uh, interesting phrases in a 1950's German-English phrase book.

Family documents I've helped collect, transcribe, and make availabe online:

Here are some interesting quotes from video game ads I found in a copy of Next Generation magazine.

My collection of A.P. Herbert's "Misleading Cases" (originally published in Punch) are no longer available. (Apparently they're not in the public domain.)

Here are a bunch of fliers, catalogs and manuals from 1980s computer systems.

I've scanned some of the notes, handouts, assignments and other papers I wrote and/or acquired during my formative hacking years from the late 1970s (middle school) through the late 1980s (college).

In 1982 I got a Commodore 64 and a 300 baud modem and began calling BBSes in NYC. I saved a few messages and other philes from the BBSes I called regularly.

In 1976 I wrote a letter to the U.S. Army asking for more information on their ranks and uniforms. They responded by sending me a copy of Your Army 200 Years, a booklet published in 1975 on the 200th anniversary of the founding of the U.S. Army.

Have something to say? Express your opinion with one of my feedback forms.

Visual Type Stuff

I've participated in Paul Kuhrman's baseball card defacing baseball card defacing parties. Here's a photo from one of the parties.

My chopsticks wrappers Page o' Chopsticks doesn't contain any actual chopsticks. (It's a Zen thing.)

Check out my collection of East German stamps stamps, and don't forget to read my analysis of selected stamps. I've also got a collection of magazine subscription stamps from the 1980s.

Check out my web cam live Web cam.

I also scanned some pictures my father took while in Korea in 1964. Korea, 1964

Here are some interesting CT scan pictures. CT scan: motorcycle

Photos I've Taken

Here are all 7,887 black and white photos I took between 1971 and 1986.

Over the years I've taken many more photos.

One of my photos (a self-portrait) is part of the Mirror Project.

I also made about 60 photograms from the 1970s through the early 1980s.

I've posted some clips from my collection of Super-8 animated movies that I made back in the 1970s and 1980s.

(1.5 MB QuickTime)
Scene from 'The Bad Lieutenant'
I was in the background of this scene from The Bad Lieutenant with Harvey Keitel.

I used a computer to draw these pictures as well.


More stuff you probably don't want to know about me and my Web site:

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Copyright © 2024 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 05 July 2024 05:41:20