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Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
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Ailanthus Tree: Chat
A chat session on the Ailanthus Tree |
RIVKEY: this hour?!? playing basket ball??? MERLIN: WELL I AIN'T AS POPULAR AS YOU. AND THE RESPONSES ARE IN THE GUY'S MAILB OX RIVKEY: you've got to be kidding! RIVKEY: that the way it works?....didnt know.... KIM MOSER: Hello, EM. MERLIN: OHH YEA. HE'LL BE BACK AROUND 1:00. ALL THE GOOD GUYS ARE THERE. EMJAY: hi all RIVKEY: Hey KIM, pass the soda and cake! MERLIN: HOWDY EM. KIM MOSER: No, you mean the pretzels and beer! RIVKEY: mean cookies and milk! MERLIN: NO BEER. WE MUST DRIVE TONIGHT! KIM MOSER: Merlin: Have a Moussy! RIVKEY: Moussy? RIVKEY: I hate MICE!!! MERLIN: THANK YOU. OR SHOULD I TAKE A GRAPE NIHAY?? KIM MOSER: Rivkey: champagne and caviar for me. MERLIN: RIVKEY DON'T YOU WATCH T.V.? THERE'S A COMMERCIAL FOR MOUSSY! KIM MOSER: Moussy: The drink to chose when you chose not to drink. RIVKEY: Grape?.......NEHSECH!! MERLIN: YEA THAT(S TRUE RIVK. TSUVA!!! KIM MOSER: "NEHSECH"? "TSUVA"? RIVKEY: sure I do.....but I've got better things to do during the commercials!!! (like...NASH away!) MERLIN: WEL IT'S SUPPOSE TO BE TESHUVA. KIM MOSER: ok, then--"TESHUVA"??? MERLIN: THESE ARE HEBREW WORDS. RIVKEY: that depends on whether or not you enunciate properly! KIM MOSER: I figured as much but what do they mean? RIVKEY: uh, yeah...Hebrew words.... CHAT SYSTEM: dropped EMJAY at 22-Jun-84 00:23:47 RIVKEY: Take it away....MERLIN! KIM MOSER: Guess Emjay got too drunk and had to leave. RIVKEY: Yeah, but you dont have to worry about that happening to MER and I!!! MERLIN: WELL NESECH HAS A LONG STORY,IT WOULD SIMPLY MEAN WINE THAT'S A JEW IS N OT ALLOWED TO DRIK (IS IT SO RIVK?) KIM MOSER: And now, heeeeeeeeeere's Merlin! RIVKEY: Yeah, that's a NICE way of putting it! MERLIN: RIVKEY WOULD YOU HONOR US WITH THE EXPLANATION TO TSHUVA? RIVKEY: Teshuvah is simply repenting for one's sins.... MERLIN: BRAVVVO!!!! RIVKEY: did i do good? KIM MOSER: Good show! RIVKEY: thanks Kim! MERLIN: SO KIM NNOW YOU DIG THAT STUFF? RIVKEY: so, how's the liqeur KIM? KIM MOSER: Yeah, I get it. Parlez-vous Francais? MERLIN: STRIKE OUT HERE RIVKEY: Retz Yiddish? KIM MOSER: The liqueur? I'll stick to the beer. After all, I've gotta drive, rig ht? [Heh, heh] KIM MOSER: Deutsch? RIVKEY: I've been driving since i was born....EVERYONE CRAZY!!! (.....that's wh at my bro's say anyway.............!!!) RIVKEY: Ungarish? MERLIN: WHY? I LOVE DRIVING! RIVKEY: do I! KIM MOSER: Switzerdeutsch? MERLIN: HAY YOU FOLKS ARE COMPETEING FOR ALNGUAGES? RIVKEY: (that's another way I drive people crazy!!!) MERLIN: MAKE THAT LANGUAGES KIM MOSER: Driving's fun if you like crazy things. RIVKEY: Switzerdeutsch?!?!?!? THERE'S NO SUCH THING!!!!! MERLIN: DRIVING IS FUN EXEPT IN MANHATEN!!! KIM MOSER: Oh no? Ever been to Switzerland? [I think I spelled Switzerdeutsch ri ght] RIVKEY: Yeah? .....Did you ever try to drive in Israel???? KIM MOSER: Ah, my father went there and told me about it--it's nuts!!! RIVKEY: .....I was afraid to cross the street when I was there!!! MERLIN: NOPE, I WAS TOO YOUNG. BUT I WOULDN'T DARE. IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE! KIM MOSER: Similar in Europe, especially Germany. RIVKEY: Yeah? I thought they spoke French, Deutsch, Switzerla nd....oh well... KIM MOSER: If you step off the curb, they won't try to avoid you if they have th e light. RIVKEY: The point is...not to step off the curb! KIM MOSER: In Switzerland, there's also Switzerdeutsch which is like German, and I don't know what else! RIVKEY: ....only dumb Americans do that...!!! (I know!!!) RIVKEY: oh... MERLIN: THE POINT IS NOT TO WALK THERE AT ALL!!! USE THE MOUNTAINS...IT'S SAFER ! KIM MOSER: It's not only that--Ever been on the Autobahn? MERLIN: I HEARED ABOUT THAT. IS THAT IN FRANCE? RIVKEY: never heard of it.... KIM MOSER: Nono, in Germany. They drive like supreme nuts there. No speed limit I think. MERLIN: YEA. I REMEMBER THAT FROM A VOLKSVAGEN COMMERCIAL. RIVKEY: ...oh...just like in NY!!!!!!!!! KIM MOSER: Ha ha ha. RIVKEY: ....are "WE DRIVIN"?!? MERLIN: GEE (HICK..) I DON'T KNOE (HICK..) WHAT DO YOU SAY (HICKK) RIVKEY: The funny thing about Israel is that the light can be green on all corne rs for the cars!!! KIM MOSER: "Hey, let's loose that cop who's following us!" RIVKEY: hey, MER...keep away from that wine!!! KIM MOSER: "Funny?" RIVKEY: ......wait until tomorrow night! RIVKEY: sad? MERLIN: HICK...NEXT TIME..HICK..HICK.. KIM MOSER: Only if you're driving--Otherwise it's hilarious! RIVKEY: who ya callin' a "HICK"???? KIM MOSER: Hey, Merlin--Either you've had too much to drink or you're from down South. MERLIN: SRRRRR......HRRRRRRR....(I'M SLEEPING)... RIVKEY:'s hilarious if you're DRIVING...and sad if you're on foot and want to cross the street!!!! KIM MOSER: Isn't that "ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz......." ? RIVKEY: that's a famous quote....I think SNOOPY once said it! MERLIN: THAT'S RIGHT! I FORGOT THAT......ZZZZZZZZZ.....ZZZZ KIM MOSER: "Curse you Red Barron!" CHAT SYSTEM: added JOE ZITT/SYSOP at 22-Jun-84 00:41:06 RIVKEY: or was it Charlie Brown? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Hello, all! RIVKEY: ...Hi Joe! KIM MOSER: Hi, Joe--Have a beer, or Moussy if you prefer. MERLIN: WELL, OUR BELOVED ALMOST FORMER SYSOP. WELCOME TO OUR HUMBLE PARTY. KIM MOSER: OOh, someone outside my window just said a dirty word. RIVKEY: Nu Joe...MERLIN and I just decided that it's NEHSACH...... JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Hmmm .... a humble Moussy party... didn't Monty Python do an exp ose on those? RIVKEY: what do you mean "almost former"? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Nehsach? I don't remember that word. MERLIN: TOO BAD OCTOPUS AIN'T HERE. HE'LL KNOW. RIVKEY: explain.....MER...(that one's still yours!) JOE ZITT/SYSOP: I'm leaving Kidder, soon.... will have to cut back Tree involvem ent somewhat. MERLIN: WELL, IF YOU WOULD READ THE TREE, YOU'LL KNOW THAT JOE IS LIVING HIS SYS OP POSTION SOON. RIVKEY: oh...sorry to hear that.....(just when i was getting the hang of it!) KIM MOSER: Joe: Didn't you leave a msg about wanting a cheap terminal? RIVKEY: exactly how many SYSOPS are there anyway? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Yup, I did. Saw yer info on c64. RIVKEY: who reads the tree?.....I just read other people's mail! MERLIN: SHAME!!!! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Full sysops are me & John, and about 20 subsysops. RIVKEY: ...tshuvah time! KIM MOSER: Riv: That's a federal offense. MERLIN: EVEN Z-MAIL WOULD BE A FEDERAL OFFENSE?? RIVKEY: ...not if it's out in the open! (such as a postcard) KIM MOSER: Riv: don't bet on it. It's still mail! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Not sure reading zmail is fed. offence, but is highly difficult and a social nono KIM MOSER: Z-Mail isn't sent through the US Postal Service. MERLIN: YEA, YOU MIGHT GET ARRESTED. AND SENTENSES TO LIFE!! RIVKEY: ....GOOOOOOOOLEEEEY! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: so what does nehsach mean? RIVKEY: by the way......what exactly is "Kidder".....such as....where does this system come from??? KIM MOSER: yeah, sentences like "life is great". [Or did you mean something else , Mer?] MERLIN: NESECH (NUN,SAMECH,CHSF) THE WINE A JEW IS NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK. JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Kidder, Peabody & Co, Inc. is an investment firm on Wall Street. .. RIVKEY: wine that a Jew cant drink....I'll leave it to you to figure out why...! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: where I work (until next Thursday) and John works. The ATree run s on KP's Tandem. KIM MOSER: Sort of like Ringling Bros, Barnum & Bailey + Co. RIVKEY: what sort of investment form? and why do they have this BBS? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: But what was it you said was nehsach? I must have forgotten the context. RIVKEY: .....KIM invited you to our party!!!! MERLIN: HAY RIV. YITZ JUST CAME!! SAYS HI TO ALL YOU GUYS. (BOY HE'S ALL SWEA TED UP!!) RIVKEY: sooo...KIM.....what's new? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Stock and Bonds. This is the model for an inhouse system, and t his version.. RIVKEY: say hi! KIM MOSER: HI! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: is open to the public out of the goodness of the hearts of those people here.. JOE ZITT/SYSOP: who know about it. MERLIN: HE IS TAKING A SHOER NOW. (FOR MY SAKE MAINLY!!) KIM MOSER: We are the "Selected Crew of Nice People" RIVKEY: oh......they want the public to LOVE them...I get......boy, what an educ ational night this turned out to be!!! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Feel hereby honored. MERLIN: HAY KIM. YOU GOT INTERESTING QUOTES. KIM MOSER: All hail the A-Tree, may it live long and prosper. Amen. RIVKEY: ....well, as long as he had a good game! RIVKEY: Bmen... RIVKEY: soooo a better MERLIN: I'LL ASK HIM ABOUT THE GAME. JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Yup...gonna be a tech writer putting togethee manuals for a firm in Borough Park. KIM MOSER: I got some more, but they must be inspired to come forth from the inn ermost synapses of my brain. RIVKEY: Let him shower up first! MERLIN: HAY JOE. WELCOME TO BOROUGH-PARK. KIM MOSER: G-men; Work for the Gov't. JOE ZITT/SYSOP: You live there? I'll be working at 45th and Ft Hamilton Pkwy. MERLIN: YEA RIVKEY!! FOR MY SAKE LET HIM SHOWER UP!! RIVKEY: Boro Park! ....funny you should mention Boro Park! ...they cut down ANOT HER tree on my block last week! RIVKEY: doesnt everyone?.............guess not... JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Does anyone know what rents are like there? I gotta move closer to work...I live in NJ now. MERLIN: 45 AND FT. HAMILTON. TAKEA, THERE IS A COMPUTER BUILDING THERE RIVKEY: High! MERLIN: VERY HIGHT!!!! RIVKEY: what's the name of that company, Joe? KIM MOSER: Very, VERY high! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Yup, I'm gonna be w/ Health Informations Systems, Inc. MERLIN: HAY KIM. YOU CALLING FROM JERSY? RIVKEY: better look for someplace in Flatbush! KIM MOSER: HIS for short. JOE ZITT/SYSOP: That's da place. RIVKEY: hey know Boro Park?!?!??!!? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: You know the company? KIM MOSER: Jersey? You must be joking. Manhattan. How about you? The big J? RIVKEY: I think a friend of mine works there......but she's leaving (i think thi s week) KIM MOSER: No, I never heard of HIS, but the acronym looked wierd. KIM MOSER: I don't know B. park. RIVKEY: oh. KIM MOSER: ho. MERLIN: GOOD FOR YOU KIM. THE PLACE SUCKS!! RIVKEY: HUMPH! KIM MOSER: "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night!" RIVKEY: Hey MER, didnt you ever hear that Boro Park is the Jerusalem of NY?!?!?! ? RIVKi that depends on who's driving!!! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: I thought the Jerusalem of NY was Williamsburg, or is that just Meah Sh'arim? MERLIN: I DONT CARE IF IT'S THE CAPITOL OF THE UNIVERSE. I DON'T LIKE IT! RIVKEY: good one JOE!!!!!!! JOE ZITT/SYSOP: What don't you like about it? JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Thanks, rivkey! RIVKEY: ....and I think the East Side is "GEULAH" MERLIN: THE PEOPLE!!! 3/4 OF MY NEIGBORES ARE SNOBS. I HATE THAT. RIVKEY: yeah, I hear where you're coming must live in the "MARBLE" se ction... JOE ZITT/SYSOP: Hehehe, and here I am, overlooking Water street, "Al N'harot Bav el". KIM MOSER: Put a "Magnum Force" bomb in their mailboxes. MERLIN: YOU HIT THAT ONE IN THE NOSE RIVKRY! |
Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite
Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email) |
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:58 |