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Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
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Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite
Raid over Moscow Docs
I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable. |
**************************************************************************** * * * R A I D O V E R M O S C O W * * * **************************************************************************** Raid Over Moscow requires that a joystick be plugged into control Port 2. Mid way through the loading process, the program will pause and allow you to re- view the game scenario. You have the following options: Option 1: Press (return) to view the scenario. [ERROR] Use (return) again to abort the scenario. Option 2: Press (/) to finish loading the game. Level Selection After the game has finished loading, the title screen will be displayed. Press 'f1', 'f3[ERROR]djustment You may adjust the sound filter settings of the game to provide the optimum sound for your computer. Press 'f' while in the level selection screen. You then have the following options: 'f1' increase filter settings (you should increase the settings if some sounds are too loud while others are soft and muffled. 'f3' decrease filter settings (you should decrease the settings if some sounds are too bright and brassy sounding. 'f5' test the sound. (The sound you hear is one of the main explosion sounds in the game.) PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Sequence I - SAC Headquarters [ERROR] quarters (SAC). This computer overview alerts U.S. Commanders of any nuclear activity. When a Soviet launch has occured, the launch point will turn white [ERROR]me to impact. The Soviet Missiles will be identifiable on the screen as a small cluster of white dots heading toward the U.S. Space Station [ERROR]pressing the 'Space Bar' on the Commodore 64 keyboard. SEQUENCE II- DEFENSE TACTICS [ERROR]begin to scramble to their aircraft. Each Pilot must take his plane out of the station. Because the air- craft is in a semi-weightless condition, control is handled by three thrust- ters and the main engine. Pushing Left of Right on the stick will rotate the aircraft to the left or right, thus controlling the direction that you are facing. Pushing The Button will fire the vertical thruster, which will raise the air- craft off the launch deck. Pushing Forward on the stick will fire the main engine causing the aircraft to accelerate in the direction it is facing. Pulling =Back on the stick has no effect since there are no brakes. Once moving in a certain direction, the only way to slow your speed is to rotate by pushing left or right) until you are flying backwards, and then fire the main engine (push forward on the stick). Gravity is very slight, and you will gradually begin to fall back to the deck unless you press the button occasion ally to maintain your altitude. If you hit the launch deck too hard your craft will be destroyed. OPENING THE HANGER DOORS is accomplished by pressing 'f7' once your aircraft is off the hanger deck. (The door will stay open only for a short period of time!). Once outside the space station, the screen will switch to the over- view: Your craft will be identified by a flashing white dot. At this point, you must diecide either to attack the launch point (identified by the white launch site) or to take more planes out of the station. If you [ERROR]your craft by the joystick to the target. NOTE: Taking More Planes Out The advantages to taking more planes out is that if you lose one you will not have to come back to get anothe plane from the space station. One will appear at the point at which your last one was destroyed. If you wish to bring add- itional aircraft out of the station, press the Space Bar and follow the same proced[ERROR] You may switch back and forth between the station and the overview scene at anytime by pressing the Space Bar (when in the station, your altitude must be zero).[ERROR] STRATEGY TIP Once the launch silos are distroyed (explained in next two scenarios) all re- maining aircraft will go back inside the station. Each time you attack a new city and destroy the launch site, you will have to go back inside the hanger. Because of this, take out only the number of aircraft you believe will be re- quired to destrooy one launch site. This will save time and allow you a better chance to destrooy the site before the missiles hit U.S. targets. SEQUENCE III- ATTACK RUN Now that you are in Soviet airspace, you begin your attack run on the Soviet launch sites. In order to reach the launch sites, you must first make a run through enemy territory to reach the missile silos. To avoid Soviet radar, your craft will have to fly at a very low level, and this allows Soviet ground[ERROR]defense weapons will appear as you travel. Each of these are worth points. Beware of Soviet heat seeking missiles, which will come up from behind you. When you see them coming from behind, fly as low as you can to the ground. Once they have flown past you, shoot the missile down for additional points. Attack Run Controls- the controls for this scene are similar to the controls for a real jet aircraft. Push left to bank left to bank left, right to bank right . Push forward to dive and pull back to climb. (Some people find it helpful when paying this scene, to face the right as if they were actually sitting in the aircraft.) On level 1, you are prevented from crashing into the ground, but not on level's 2 or 3. After the run through enemy territory is completed, prepare to destroy the launch silos. SEQUENCE IV- THE MISSILE SILOS Once you reach the missile silos, check the control panel to see how much time before the missiles hit the U.S. In this scene there is one main control silo surrounded by four launch silos. Control of your aircraft is the same as the attack run: Move joystick left to move left. Move joystick right to move right. Push forward to dive. Pull back to climb. [ERROR]When you are properly lined up at the target, you aircraft will turn blue. As you attempt to line up on a target, the silo defense system will fire at you. You can avoid the enemy rockets by moving left or right or by moving up or down. The elevation of the enemy rocket is set at the same elevation as your aircraft at the time of firing. The Center Silo is the control silo. The nuclear missiles launched are con- trolled from this point. When this silo is destroyed the missiles can no longer be controlled and can- not be detonated. This silo can be destroyed first if time is running out, but when it is hit, the attack will stop and you will switch back to the com- puter overview. The silos located on the side of the Control Silo are worth high points. In addition, when you destroy one of these silos, you will be awarded an extra aircraft (you may have 9 aircraft maximum). If you destroy all the silos in the scene, extra points will be added to your score. As you attempt to destroy the silos, enemy aircraft will enter from the left and try to shoot you down. NOTE: Pay close attention to the 'time to impact' heading on the control[ERROR]is worth an extra plane and a considerable amount of points, destroying all of the silos will greatly enhance your score SEQUENCE V- THE SOVIET DEFENSE CENTER You will not [ERROR]se Center in Moscow until you have destroyed each of the three perimeter launch sites at Leningrad, Minsk, and Saratov. After the last perimeter site is destroyed, you will make a final attack run into the city of Moscow. Your mission is to blow up the Defense Center. If you are successful, you will set Soviet military strength back ten years! The scene opens with a U.S. Commando in a trench behind a stome wall in front of the Defense Center. To control movement from side to side move tthe joy- stick left and right. Moving the joystick forward and back controls the elevation of the rocket launcher on the shoulder. Once a target is lined up, use the button to fire. TARGETS- Soldiers are located on the walls on both sides of the Defense [ERROR]trench. Secondary targets include all of the towers on the buildings. These can be destroyed to increase your score. Other targets are the doors located directly ahead of you. One of these doors is an entrance into the reactor room (the next scene). While the other doors will turn red when hit, this door turns white. The door is randomly selected and will be different each time. Enemy tanks will come out of side doors and try to stop you. Again, if you stay in one position too long your likely to get blasted. ENTERING THE REACTOR Once all the soldiers are eliminated, the tank destroyed, and the door opened you will progress to the next scene. Remember, however, that all the towers on the buildin[ERROR]he wall, he will be replaced after a certain amount of time. Keep this in mind when you are playing because you will not be able to progress to the next scene until the white door is exposed and there are no men or tanks in the scene. SEQUENCE VI- INSIDE THE REACTOR ROOM Now you have penetrated inside the Soviet Defense Center and are inside the nuclear reactor chamber, which is the power source of the facility. Description of the Screen A maintenance robot will travel from side to side injecting coolant into the cells to keep the reactor temperature stable. If the cooling process is inter rupted, the reactor will overheat and become unstalbe. The system will grad- ually reach critical mass and explode. The robot has defense capabilities and will be able [ERROR]He will begin automatically firing at you. In addition, he is invulnerable to a frontal attack. The robot does have an achillies heel If the robot is hit from behind, the control circuits can be damaged and it can be destroyed. Because the robot maintenance area cannot be penetrated; your weapon is a small disc granade. To hit the robot from behind, your disc must be bounce off the rear wall of t[ERROR] To help you get the proper angle you also have a laser beam guidance system. This appears as a[ERROR]move the target left. To move your commando push the joystick left or right. When [ERROR] You have only a certain number of discs and men. You can retreive your discs and men. Yoou can reteive your discs and men. You can retreive your discs by catching them before they pass you. Each time a disc hits the robot, that disc is lost. You are awarded an extra disc when a robot is destroyed. To catch a disc, you must move your man directly in front of the disc as it comes towards you. Each robot will require four hits from behind it to de- stroy it. More than one robot will need to be destroyed to accomplish your mission. The number of robots which must be destroyed is as follows: Level 1 2 Robots Level 2 4 Robots Level 3 5 Robots In addition, each time you hit the robot, it moves faster and becomes more faster and becomes more aggressive. The number of men you have in this scene is dtermined by how successful youve been throughout the game. Once you are out of men the game is over. If you run out of disks and still have men left you gotta go back to the defence center (outside) and battle back inside in order to have more disks. In some cases you may want to sacrifice a man in order to save a disk. If the disk is still on the screen when a man is lost the disk will be saved. After the next to last robot is destroyed the final robot will offer a big problem. He is so aggrevated by your presence that he neglects the reactor!! which is already unstable. This will cause the reactor to go critical. On the right edge of the screen is a time that will show the amount of time to ETCM. At critical mass it will explode taking the defence center with it Whether you escape alive or not will be determined at this point. If you can destroy the robot with enough time left to make it to the plane you will live. If not we will notify your next of kin. SCENE VII- THE FINAL CHAPTER This scene will let you know if your mission was successful. If you escape you will get bonus points. PAUSE-to pause hit the commodore key ABORT GAME-to return to the title screen hit the control key PRACTICE- You can practice any part of the game by waiting until the demo reaches the part you want to play then just tale control by moving the joy- stick ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / WALKTHRU'S BY DOC'S 'R' US / ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite
Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email) |
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:34 |