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Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
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Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Designer's Pencil Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

               T H E   D E S I G N E R ' S   P E N C I L

Hit RESTORE key to return to title screen at anytime. Be careful not to accidentally hit RESTORE once writing a program. Doing so will destroy any program you may have been working on.

The Designers Pencil can be used with either the keyboard or a Joystick plugged into port one.
Exit the title screen by pushing the button on the Joystick or pressing the space bar on the keyboard Try it!
You are now looking at the PROGRAMMING SCREEN. All program designing is done here. The flashing arrow is your programming pointer. Right now, you can see that it is pointing at the VIEW command. Move the arrow UP, DOWN, LEFT or RIGHT with the Joystick. If using the keyboard, F1=UP, F3=LEFT, F5=RIGHT and F7=DOWN. Try it! Move the arrow around a bit. Then, return the arrow to the VIEW  command.
Using The Designer's Pencil is just like programming except that you don't need to type or memorize any commands or instructions. All of the program designing is done by a combination of moving the arrow to the command or instruction you desire and pressing the button. By pressing the button, you are executing a command or initiating an instruction.
NOTE: These docs assume you are using a Joystick. If using the keyboard, press the space bar when we refer to the button on the Joystick. Also, if you'd like to draw freehand using the Joystick, see "Instructions" section "Skip IF J2=UP. 
The diagram below shows the Programming Screen divided into its four main sections.
1. The Prompt Window - located at the top left of the screen
2. The Prgramming Area - located in the body of the left side
3. The Instructions - located on the right hand side.
4. The Master Commands - running along the bottom of the screen.

The six small rectangels at the bottom are your Master Commands. To execute one, point the arrow to the command desired and press the button. The Master Commands are:
VIEW: VIEWS the DRAW PAGE. To exit the draw page, press the button again.             Exiting the draw page always returns you to the programming screen with         the arrow pointed at the VIEW command.
RUN:  Runs the program that is in the Program Area of the programming screen.         your TV set will automatically flip th the DRAW PAGE, and you will see          your program actuall being run or "drawn". You may interrupt a RUN and          return to the programming screen at any time by pressing the button.
INS:  Inserts a blank line at the blinking cursor in the Program Area. (See           "insert and delete".)
DEL:  Deletes the line at the blinking cursor in the Program Area (See "Inser         and Delete".)
FILE: Handles various Filing jobs. The arrow will automatically go to the             Prompt Window for you to make your selections. (See "Prompt Window".)
CLR:  Clears the Program Area of any progream, prompted by Yes/No in the Prompt       window. (NOTE: Unless you program is "SAVED", there is no way to retrieve       it once the Program Area is cleared.

The Prompt Window is where you access the twelve DEMOnstrations that show some of the capabilities of The Designer's Pencil. It is also where you will SAVE and LOAD your own programs and pictures. (More on SAVE and LOAD later.)
You will normally use or enter the Prompt Window by first pointing the arrow at the FILE command at the bottom of the screen and pressing the button. The arrow automatically jumps to the Prompt Window. Then, point the arrow at the   "prompted" decision yoou choose to make. Remember to press the btton to execute your"prompted decision.
NOTE:   Normally, to enter the Prompt Wondow, point the arrow at the FILE command first, and press the button.
To Run Demonstrations:
1. Enter the Prompt Window throught the File command as explained above.
2. Point the arrow at "DEMO" and press the button. The arrow jumped up one line    and is pointing at "BEGINR/PRG". This is the name of the first                  demonstration. To cycle throught the list of twelve "DEMO" names, push the      Joystick forward and pull it back. Lean the Joystick left and right to cycle    forward and backward quickly.
3. Return to "BEGINR/PRG" and press the button.
4. Move the arrow to "YES" and press the button. You have just LOADED this         program into the PROGRAM AREA. (If you had chosen "NO", the program already     residing in the PROGRAM AREA would have remained unchanged.)
5. RUN the program using the RUN command.
   To Run the rest of the demonstrations, follow the same procedure. Select a      different demonstration "filename" each time. Oh, yes. Turn the volume up on    your TV. You'll soon hear why.

When you begin to program your own designs, always blank-out the draw page first. This allows you sto start with a "fresh piece of paper".
Here's How!
1. Move the arrow to the CLR command and press the button. The arrow jmps to       the Prompt Window.
2. Execute the "YES" instruction. The CLR and YES combined clear the Program       Area.
3. Execute the RUN command. After clearing the Program Area, the RUN command       blanks the Draw Page.

Four important conditions exist once you bland the page and are ready to begin a new program:
1. The page is WHITE.
2. You can SEE the pencil, as opposed to being invisible.
3. The pencil is located at the CENTER of the page.
4. The pencil is ON the page. This means that the pencil will draw when moved      about, as opposed to osimpl being repositioned without drawing when moved       about.
NOTE: Always blank the draw page when yoou begin programming a new design.

You are now ready to create your first program. After returning to the programming screen by pressing the button, you will notice the blinking cursor. The blinking cursor marks the location of the next instruction of your program.
The first five lines you see in the Programming Area are always included for you at the start of any program.
To Create A Circle:
1. Move the arrow over to the instruction window and point to "CIRCLE R=000".      (Scroll up or down through the instructions until lyou find this                instruction.)
2. Press the button. You'll notice that your instruction is now part of your       program. Because this instruction needs additional information, it is           highlighted in red.
3. Move the Joystick until the number 035 appears and press the button. 
4. Execute the RUN command.
Congratulations! You have just completed your first program.

To Experiment With Other Circle Sizes:
1. Point the arrow at the "035"
2. Press the button.
3. Move the Joystick to select a radius for other sizes.
4. Press the button again.
5. Execute the RUN command.
NOTE: Instructions that are highlighted RED in the Programming Area require additional informatin, or some sort of change.

As you can see, the Programming Area and the instruction Window work very closely with each other. The Programming Area is where you "build" or "create" you programs. The Instruction Window is where you select the instructions.
Many instructions in your programs, like "CIRCLE R=035". can be changed once they are already in the Programming Area. Point the arrow to where you wish to make the change and press the button.

To Make A Change In Programming Area:
Using your circle program,
1. Point the arrow at "WHTW in the first program instruction "BACKGRND=WHT".
2. Press the button.
3. Move the Joystick until "BLK" appears.
4. Press the button and execute a RUN.
   The BACKGROUND changed from WHITE to BLACK.
NOTE: To CHANGE a color, numerical value or musical not ein the Programming Area, point the arrow where you wish to make the change and press the button. Move the Joystick to make your new selection, then press the button again.

There are many occasions when writing a program that you will want to INSERT an new instruction between two existing instructions, or even DELETE an instruct-  tions, or even DELETE an instruction. Both are very simple to do withe The Designer's Pencil.
Let's use your circle program to learn how to INSERT an instruction.

First, Do This:
1. Draw a circle with a radius of 017.
2. Change the background to BLACK.
3. Change "COLOR 1=RD1" to "COLOR 1=YEL". (Just point the arrow at "RD1", press    the button again.)"RD1 stands for the first shade of read. "RD2" is the         second shade. Ther are 16 available colors.
4. RUN the program.
   You should see a yellow circle on a black backgroound. When you are finished    admirng your work, return to the programming screen.

Now, To Insert An Instruction:
1. Point the arrow at the begining of your "CIRCLE R=017" instruction and press    the button. The blinking cursor should appear at the beginning of the           "CIRCLE R=017" instrution.
2. Point the arrow at the INS command and press the buton once. The "CIRCLE        R=017" instruction dropped down one line. Each time you press the button,       one blank line Each time you press the button, one blank line is inserted.
3. Point the arrow at the "USE COLR 000" instruction in the instruction Window     and press the button once.
4. Change the "000" to "002".
5. RUN the program.
Wonderful! You just INSERTED an instruction which in this case turned your circle green. Can you figure out why your circle turned green?
The answer is that when you INSERTED "USE COLR 002", your program drew with the COLOR that was set in COLOR 2 at the top of your program, which was GREEN.

To Delete An Instruction:
Point the arrow directly at the beginning of the instruction that you want to DELETE and press the button. Then point the arrow at the DEL command and press the button. Each time you press the button, you DELETE one line.
Try This!
Delete the "USE COLR 002" instruction as just explained. Be certain to press the button only once! Otherwise, you will also delete your "CIRCLE R=017" instruction. Now, RUN your program.
Your circle has returned to yellow. The reason is that The Designer's Pencil always draws with the color in "COLOR 1" at the top of your program unless you specify otherwise.
Well, you're getting pretty good. You can move the arrow around the scree. You can draw a circle and change colors. It's time to learn each instruction in the instrution Window.
Many of them are self-explanatory. Just by experimenting, you could probably figure them out. But, don't worry. You can't harm the system by putting in a wrong instruction. If you don't like what you have, just blank the draw page and start over.
What follows is an explanaton of ALL of the instructions: even the ones that seem obvious to YOU.

To start off, let's make it just a bit easier. You will notice that many instructions have near-duplicates: even at the start..
The 1st instruction is:    "COLOR 1=BLK"
And, the 2nd instruction is"COLOR 1=(A)"
The 2nd instruction includes the variable (A)". Variables are very important functions to programming, and we will discuss them as a topic themselves. (See "VARIABLES, LOOPS and LABELS".)
Also, we will skip some of the instructions as they appear in order in the instruction Window and discuss them later.
COLOR 1,2,3 = BLK: Changes the colors selected at the top of your program.
     CLEAR SCREEN: Clears the draw screen as your program runs.
           CENTER: Puts the pencil at the center of the screen. The screen                         contains 160 dots horizontally (X Axis) numbered 0-159, and                     184 dots vertically (Y Axis) numbered 0-183. The center is                      at 79,91(XY).
        PENCIL ON: Pencil will draw with selected color.
       PENCIL OFF: Pencil will move around without drawing.
              000: Moves the pencil by that number and in that direction. The                      number ranges 000-255.
     CIRCLE R 000: Draws a circle of radius 000-255.
       SEE PENCIL: The pencil is visible as it moves around.
      HIDE PENCIL: The pencil is invisible.
        KALEID ON: Sets kaleidoscope draw mode on. Anything that is drawn will                     be copied automatically in the other 3 quadrants of the                         screen. This instruction creatres wonderful effects, and is                     best used with the pencil hidden!
       KALEIK OFF: Turns kaleidoscope draw mode off.
     USE COLR 000: Selects which of the four colors to draw with. Drawing with                     Color 000 uses the background color and is equivalent to                        erasing.
   BACKGRND = BLK: Changes background color to the one selectedl
             FILL: Fills in an enclosed area. The pencil must be positioned                        within the area (not on the edge). Sometimes the pencil will                    not completely fill and area. When this happens, reposition                     the pencil in the unfilled area(s) and use the FILL                             instruction again. "Fill" automatically puts the pencil ON                      the page.
         WRITE"A": Prints a letter A-Z, some punctuation,0-9 and the Activision                    LOGO. Do not confuse with  "WRITE (A)". "WRITE"                                 automatically puts the pencil ON the page. However, when you                    are through "WRITE"ing, the pencil will be OFF the page. Top                    resume drawing, you must put the PENCIL ON the page.          NOTE CH1,2,3 RST: Plays a note for 1/10th of a second in the specified channel                    (1,2,3). There are 3 channels, each supporting 5 octaves.                       RST means rest, and no note will be heard. Instruction                          format is NOTE CH1=C#3...where 1 is the channel and 3 is the                    octave (1-5). Channel 1 (CH1) MUST be played before channels                    2 or 3. Do not place any instructions that are not NOTEs                        between CH1 and CH2 or CH3, or else CH2 and CH3 will not be                     heard. To play a note longer than 1/10th of a second, repeat                    the NOTE instruction.
            SPEED: Sets the drawing speed (0=SLOW, 15=FAST). If you don't use                      this instruction, the program runs at SPEED 4.
             STOP: Stops the program. A blank line will also stop the program.                     (See"RECURSION" for additional STOP information.)
      SET DIR=000: Draws diagonal lines. Pencil direction used only in                             conjunction with FORWARD/BACKWARD instructions. (See below.)                    Pick direction (angle) from 0-255. 0=UP, 64=RIGHT, 128=DOWN                     and 192=LEFT.
      FORWARD 000: Move pencil inselected direction (see above) by amount                          selected. Ranges 000-255.
     BACKWARD 000: Move pencil in opposite direction from FORWARD by amoount                       selected. Ranges 000-255.
     ROTATE R 000: Adds an offset to direction. "ROTATE R 064" turns a quarter                     of a circle to the right.
     ROTATE L 000: Subtract offset from directions. "ROTATE L 064" turns a                         quarter of a circle to the left.

Variables are letters (A-Z) that store numbers. Whereas a number itself cannot ever be worth a dofferent numeric value (3 is always equal to 3), a variable can store a different number at different times throughout a program.
Let's pretend that you want to hear all five octaves that The Designer's Pencil supports. That includes 60 notes; 12 notes per octave. Using a variable (A) you could hear all 60 notes by writing just four instructions.

Here's How!
1. Clear any program in memory.
2. Point the arrow at the "SET A=000" instruction and press the button. Move       the Joystick and see that you can cycle throught all 26 letters in the          alphabet. Return to "A" and press the button again. Then, press the button      again, leaving "SET A=000".
3. Scroll down the instruction Woindow and find the instruction "A=A+000", and     press the button. (You can scroll both "As" through all of the letters, but     leave them both as "A".) Then, move the Joystick so the instruction reads       "A=A+001". (Note: "A=A+001" is not a correct mathematical expression. That      would be impossibe. With computers,"A=A+001" means that the leftside "A" is     now equal to itself "plus 1". This is called a "counter".
4. Put the instruction "NOTE CH1=(A)" on the next program line.
5. Find the instruction "JUMP OT L001" and press the button. ("JUMP TO L001"       will be explained later.)
6. Lastly, position the arrow to the FAR LEFT edge of the screen on the            "A=A+001" line, and press the button. "L001" should appear. Press the button    again, The FAR LEFT edge is reserved for "labels". To MOVE a "label", point     the arrow at it, press the button and move the label anywhere up or down the    FAR LEFT edge ot the Program Area. If you want to get rid of a label, you       can "hide" it under another label and it will disappear from your program.      "L001" is a label. (See "JUMP TO L001" for a further discussion of labels.)

Your Program Should Look like This:
COLOR 1  = RD1
COLOR 2  = GN1
COLOR 3  = BL1
SET A = 000
L001 A = A + 001


Now, RUN you program. Press the button after you have heard all of the notes play a couple of times.

Here's What Happened:
You set "A" equal to 0. Then you played a note in channel 1 equal to 0. Next, you increased the value of "A" by 1, so that "A" now equals 1. Lastly, your "JUMP TO L001" instruction sent the program back to the instruction with the "label", in this case "l001". Your program then played a note in channel 1 equal to 1. The process repeated itself indefinitely, increasing the value of "A" by 1 each time.
This program is said to gave gone into an infinite LOOP. It will NEVER stop cycling through the infinite LOOP of playing all five octaves unless you press the button.
Loops do not have to be infinite, however. To make you program discontinue its loop AND still hear all 60 notes, insert the instruction "SKIP IF A =060" between "NOTE CH1=(A)" and "JUMP TO L001". Then, RUN the program again.
Instructions within your programs are normally executed from top to bottom. LOOPS change this execution sequence.

JUMP To L001: Changes the normal program flow by jumping to its accompanying                  label."JUMP OT L002" jumps to label "L002". "JUMP TO..." and its                accompaning label ranges 001-255. Labels MUST be defined for JUMP               TO...JSUB to ... and RECURSE or the program will stop.
      RETURN: Jumps to a subroutine in your program. A subroutine is a section                of the program that ends in a RETURN. The RETURN brings you back                to the instruction AFTER the JSUB. This is useful when a task                   must be performed several places in the program.
 RECURSE A B: This instruction is for those of you who are very advanced users of the Designer's Pencil. Recursion is a complex programming technique that enables a program to "call upon itself" while it is RUNNING. The sequence is as follows:
* L001 MUST precede the RECURSE A B instruction.
* When the program reaches the RECURSE A B instruction, it is sent back to L001. This would continue forever if there was no way to specify how many "levels" of recursion you want to execute before continuing on with the program. Once the program reaches the final "level", it backtracks back to the original recursion level and then continues on with the program. The second variable "B" specifies how many levels to "recurse", and automatically increases by 1 every time the "RECURSE" instruction is executed. Therefore, by testing "B", you can decide how many levels of recursion to execute.
The form of a recursion program.
L001  Set A=002         7 is the final level
      SKIP IF B<7       Once B=7, Stop each level of Recursion
      A=A+2             These instructions are executed on the way to the             GO UP(A)          deepest level
      GO RIGHT(A)
      RECURSE A B       RESTART AT L001
      GO DOWN (A)       These instructions are 
      GO LEFT (A)       Executed on the way back 
                        from the deepest level
      STOP              When the first level is finally finished, end for good
Notice how for every level of recursion, the size of the box gets bigger. This is the value of (A) being incremented by 2. On the way back from the highest level, (A contains its previous value.
See 'TREE01' and 'CUBES' in the demos for recursion examples. Also books on other languages with recursion will give applicable examples of uses of recursion.

Radius: Used in conjunction with the "ARC" instruction.
ARC A TO 000 : Draws a portion of a circle clockwise from point "A" to point                   "000" with a radius set by the "RADIUS" instruction above.                      Points are 0-255 clockwise around a circle similar to direction.
               EXAMPLE : SET A  =000
                         RADIUS =020
                         ARC A TO 128
This will draw the right half of a circle with a radius of 20.

SET A = 000: Sets "A" equal to the malue "000". There are 26 variables to chose from (A-Z). Value ranges from 000-255.

SET A = RN 000: Sets "A" equal to a random number between 0 and whichever number you place in the "000" portiono of the instruction. Ranges 000-255.

SET A = PENC X: Sets "A" equal to the current numeric value of the pencil's location along the X Axis. Ranges 000-159.

SET A = PENC Y: Sets "A" equal to the current numeric value of the pencil's location along the Y Axis. Ranges 000-183.

SET A = DAT+A: (see "DATA AT L001" to follow).

SKIP IF A =,>,<: Skips the next instruction if operation is true. Otherwise executes next instruction. > means greater than < means less than.

SKIP IF J2 = UP: Use to draw freehand by entering the following instructions with Joystick plugged into Port 1.
              Pencil Off
         L005 SKIP IF J2 = UP
              JUMP TO L001
              GO UP 001
         L001 SKIP IF J2 = DN
              JUMP TO L002
              GO DOWN 001
         L002 SKIP IF J2 = LF
              JUMP TO L003
              GO LEFT 001
         L003 SKIP IF J2 = RT
              JUMP TO L004
              GO RIGHT 001
         L004 PENCIL OFF
              SKIP IF B2 ON
              JUMP TO L005
              PENCIL ON
              JUMP TO L005
Run the program. Then, plug Joystick into Port 2 and draw freehand by moving the Joystick and pressing the button. See what happens when you don't press the button.
SKIP IF B2 ON: Skip the next instruction if the button on the Port 2 Joystick                  is pressed.
  A = A,-,x,/: Left-side "A" is equal to itself +,-,X,/ the number or numeric                  value of the variable (A)
PENCIL X =000: Positions the pencil at any point on the X Axis. Ranges 0-159.
PENCIL Y =000: Positions the pencil at any point on the Y Axis. Ranges 0-183.
     DATA 000: These three are used together and are for ADVANCED user's of The                Designer's Pencil. In combination, they allow the program to                    read data from the list of numbers in the "DATA 000"                            instruction(s) located at the specified label. The first                        "DATA 000" instruction MUST be labeled with the same label                      number as in the "DATA AT L000" instruction. The "SET A=DAT+A"                  instruction tells the program which one of the "DATA 000"                       instructions to get data from.
      DATA AT L001
      SET B = 0
      SET A = DAT+B      /read the 1st entry-007
      SET B = 4
      SET A = DAT+B      /read the 5th entry-222
L001  DATA 007           /B=0
      DATA 001           /B=1
      DATA 023           /B=2
      DATA 034           /B=3
      DATA 170           /B=4
      DATA 222           /B=5

DEBUG (A):  Allow you to watch the value of the selected variable change as the             program RUNS. Instructions are aalso displayed as the program RUNS.             Display is along the bottom of the screen. The program pauses for a             short time between instructions.

VIEW PENCX/Y: Displays the changing horizontal and vertical values of the                     pencil along the bottom of the screen as the program RUNS at                    SPEED selected.
              This ends our dicussion of the instructions. The intent is not to learn all of them at once. Nor is the intent learn ANY of them by just reading about them.
              The best method for learning id DOING. Select the ones that you understand best and EXPERIMENT with them. Write short and simple programs first. Add new instructions and SEE what effect they have on your designs. You'll be surprised how easy most of the instructions are to use and how quickly you'll understand the others.
              Another good way to learn is to watch the DEMO programs in action. Study them. Change their SPEED instruction(s) to slow them down. Add your own instructions. It won't be long before you'll be designing programs that are just as good...or BETTER!

Your "computer programs" and "designs" can be SAVED to diskette or tape. This is important because once you turn your computer OFF, you lose yoour program and design. By SAVING, you can later LOAD your program or design back into the computer as though you had never turned the computer off.

The upper right corner of the Prompt Window is where yoou "name" your programs and pictures. All of the programs and pictures that you want to SAVE must have unique names. Give them each a name that helps you remember what the are. For example, if you want to SAVE a picture of a house, then you might name your picture "HOUSE", if you wanted to SAVE another picture of a house, then you might name the second house., "HOUSE 1". Just remember: DO NOT NAME TWO PICTURES OR TWO PROGRAMS WITH THE IDENTICAL NAME> If you do, you will lose your first picture or program.
To Name a Program or Picture:
1. Point arrow at the current"FILENAME" and press the button.
2. Move the Joystick until the first letter you want in your "new" name            appears. The press the button.
3. Continue changing the rest of the letters until the arrow automatically         points at "PRG". Move the Joystick to the right and "PRG" changes to "PIC",     "PRG" is for saving your programs, whereas "PIC" is for saving your             pictures.
To SAVE your Program or Picture:
1. Execute the FILE command.
2. Execute "I/O",I/O stands for input/Output.
3. Execute "PROGS". Execute "SAVE"
4. Execute "DISK" or "TAPE", whichever applies.
5. Execute "YES" or "NO".
* If you selected "DISK" and "YES", then your program or pocture will automatically SAVE to DISK.
* If you selected "TAPE" and "YES" follow further instructions at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: If you accidentally try to save to tape and do not have a tape player, you will have to hit "RESTORE" to return to the title screen, and your program and picture will be lost!
    *If you selected either "DISK" or TAPE" and then chose "NO", the arrow will      jump to the VIEW command and you will have to start the SAVE procedure          over.
     When SAVING to TAPE, write down the FILENAME of your program or picture         and the begining counter number of your tape player on a piece of paper.        If you don't you will NOT know the FILENAME or where to position the tape       when you try to LOAD the program or picture back into the computer.

To Load from Diskette:
1. Execute FILE command.
2. Execute "I/O" Execute "PROGS"
3. Execute "LOAD"
4. Execute "DISK"
* The FILENAMES of the programs and pictures that you had previously SAVED automatically LOAD into the computer and you can cycle throught the list the same way that you did when chcling throught the list of DEMO names. When the FILENAME that you want appears, press the button, execute "YES", and the program or picture will LOAD.

The Designer's Pencil allows you to PRINT your programs or pictures. Of course, you must have a printer to enjoy this capability.
Printer that are compatible with The Designer's Pencil are:
For Program Printing: Commodore MPS801
                     "         "1526
                     OKIDATA OKIMATE 10
For B/W Pictures:     Commodore MPS801
                      OKIDATA OKIMATE 10
For Color Pictures:  "                  "
Other printers may be used if equivalent to those listed above.

1. Execute the FILE command. Execute PROGS.
2. Execute PRINT. Your program or picture will then print.

To Print in Color on an Okimate 10:
1. SAVE picture withe the FILENAME beginning with "UR"
   Example "URTREE/PIC
2. RUN the COLOR PRINT program supplie by OKIDATA.
3. Select user picture option.
4. Choose a file and PRINT.

000 = UP
032 = 45 degrees
064 = RIGHT                           000
128 = DOWN                224         ...           032
192 = LEFT                        X         X
                                1             1
                      192     1                 1       064
                                1             1
                                  X         X
                          160         ...           096

*            Docs by: DOC's "R" US BBS 914-668-3664 OVER 100 DOCS ON-LINE     *

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:40