BBS Messages

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Easy Script Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

*        EASY SCRIPT COMMANDS        *
             Load * ,8,1              
              COPY TEXT               
 f1 R REMEMBER text(move cursor then  
             press return             
 f1 A Copy text(AGAIN)                
              MOVE TEXT               
 f1 R REMEMBER text(move cursor then  
             press return             
            REMOVING TEXT             
 INST/DEL Delete CHARACTERS           
 f1 INST/DEL Delete LINES             
 f1 D Delete BLOCKS(move cursor then  
             press return             
 f1 EA Erase ALL                      
 f1 ES Erase SENTENCE                 
 f1 EP Erase PARAGRAPH                
 f1 ER Erase REMAINDER                
          SEARCH AND REPLACE          
 f1 S Specify SEARCH and replace word 
 f1 @M Search and replace MEMORY      
 f1 @L Search and replace LINKED files
 NOTE: Linked OVERWRITES text         
 f1 S Specify SEARCH word(press RETURN
 for 'replace:')                      
 f1 HM Hunt word in  MEMORY           
 f1 HL Hunt work in LINKED files      
 NOTE: Linked OVERWRITES text         
             INSERT TEXT              
 INST/DEL(shifted) Inserts CHARACTERS 
 f1 INST/DEL(shifted) Insert LINES    
 f1 I INSERT mode on/off              
                GO TO                 
 f1 G xxx  Go to line xxx(999 max)    
 f1 GE     Go to END of text          
 CLR/HOME  Go to TOP of SCREEN        
 CLR/HOME(shifted) BEGINNING of text  
 f1 P Display tabs(/=tab#=dec)        
 f1 TH Set horizontal                 
 f6 f1 TH Set horizontal              
 f1 CH CLEAR horizontal               
 f1 ZH ZERO horizontal(all)           
 f1 TV Set vertical                   
 f6 f1 TV Set vertical decimal        
 f1 CV CLEAR vertical                 
 f1 ZV ZERO vertical(all)             
 NOTE: To  save tabs with file, add'+'
 to name end                          
             OUTPUT TEXT              
 f1 O (V or P) Output to VIDEO or PRTR
 f1 OC(V or P) Output CONTINUOUSLY    
 f1 OF(V or P) Output with FILL files 
 f1 OL(V or P) Output with LINKED file
 f1 OX nbr P Output nbr of copies     
         NOTE: At end-of-page:        
             C CONTINUE(next page)    
             V Change to VIDEO        
             P Change to PRINTER      
   (shifted) P Change to continuous   
 [revs]* ps text Pause during printing
              DISK MODE               
 $0                   View  directory 
 $0:filename          SCRATCH file    
 +$0                  Load  directory 
 v0                   VALIDATE disk   
 c0:newname=0:oldname COPY  file      
 r0:newname=oldname   RENAME  file    
            PRINT FORMAT              
 f1 (]) UNDERLINE on(off)             
 f1 ()) REVERSE on(off)               
 f1 ps PAUSE during printing(C to cont
 f1 - Soft hyphen                     
 f1 L filename     Load file          
 f1 F filename     Save file          
 f1 I f1 filename  Merge file         
 CTRL 1 character color               
 CTRL 2 screen color                  
 CTRL 3 border color                  
           TEXT ALIGNMENT             
 [revs]* ju1 (ju0) Justification      
 [revs]* cn1 (cn0) Centering          
 [revs]* ra1 (ra0) Right aligment     
           MARGIN CONTROLS            
 [revs]* lmXX Left   margin           
 [revs]* rmXX Right  margin           
 [revs]* maXX Margin margin release   
 [revs]* ofXX Print  offset           
           PAGE NUMBERING             
 [revs]* p#XX Set first page number   
 NOTE: f1 shifted 3(#) puts page nmbr.
 in header or footer                  
        HEADINGS AND FOOTERS          
 [revs]* hiXX Set LEFT margin         
 [revs]* hrXX Set RIGHT margin        
 [revs]* hdXX:lll,ccc,rrr             
 [revs]* ftXX:lll,ccc,rrr             
       XX=Lines to text     (header)  
          Lines to bottom   (footer)  
      lll=Left   text                 
      ccc=Center text                 
      rrr=Right  text                 
        PAGE AND LINE CONTROLS        
 [revs]* plXX Paper length    (default
       is 66)                         
 [revs]* vpXX Vertical offset (0=turns
 [revs]* tiXX Text length     (default
       is 60)                         
 [revs]* lpXX Lines per inch  (lines  
       per inch                       
 [revs]* fpXX Forced page     (0=uncon
 [revs]* Char per inch        (default
       is 6)                          
 [revs]* lnXX Blank lines             
 [revs]* spX Line spacing    (e,1,or2)
 [revs]* nb text     Non printable    
 [revs]* lk:filename Next linked file 
       for printing                   
 f1 * - Tone on(off)                  
 [revs]* U           Upper/lower case 
 lf1 (lf0)    Linefeed after return   
 f1 + (arrow left) Backspace          
 f1^          Escape Code             
 f1x          x=control code 0 thru 9 
 f1$          Print user defined chtr.
 [revs]* chx,x,x,x   Define character 
         for f1$(x=dec)               
 [revs]* saXX,d,d... Send values      
         decimal val.                 
            FUNCTION KEYS             
 f1 = COMMAND MODE    f2 = COPY NAME  
 f5 = CAPITALS(on/of) f6 = DECIMAL TAB
 f7 = TAB (horizontal)f8 = TAB (vrtcl)

       914-668-3664 (C)1985

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:39