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Magpie: Messages

Miscellaneous messages from Steve Manes' Magpie HQ BBS

Msg #7456  *PUBLIC*
Tue Jan 20, 1987 9:15am (0:16)
Wanted: Technical Writers... 
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but 
anyway, I'm in search of some good technical writers... 
Please send your resume` & example of writting to: 
The [redacted] Group, Ltd. Attn: Gal Baror [redacted] Ave. New 
York, NY 10016 
Phone - (212) 725 [redacted] ask for me, but only call if you 
absolutly have to... 

 1  I'm interested --


Msg #27125 *UNIX* From ROGOL DOMEDEFORS To STEVE MANES (#10343) Fri Sep 23, 1988 12:34am (0:05) Datecalc - date calculation filter This filter will yield (a) the date that's N days off from the input day, N being positive or negative, or (b) how many days separate a specified basedate from the input day, or (c) whether the input day is within or without a specified interval from a specified basedate. Very flexible in formatting; the only requirement is that if the order of month, day, year is not followed, then the order of month, day, year must be specified and must remain the same throughout the input. Example: say you have a list of text lines, with a datestamp in some predetermined field, and you want to select those that are older than ninety days: today=`date` cat textlist | while read line do set if [ ! -z "`datecalc -i +90 `" ] then echo fi done There are faster ways to do this, but at least the above gets the point across. ** Yell from TZIPPORAH BENAVRAHAM ** of course the sandy claws of tommorrow is the scaled down crawdad of today *File attached: datecalc.c.Z UNIX>
Msg #52651 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#52548) (Rcvd) Tue Mar 14, 1989 11:42pm (0:02) Where is this specified in the NT?.... ....I know about the Nicaean gloss, but what the heck, I don't believe the Pope is infallible, so why should I accept the Nicene Creed? [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #52477 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#52397) (Rcvd) Tue Mar 14, 1989 1:30am (0:02) Where does it say Jesus raised >himself<?.... ....I'd always thought that Yahweh made the arrangements. The NT is at best unclear about the mechanics, possibly to safeguard a trade secret. *Children [Find] RELIGION> .............................................. Msg #52376 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#52372) (Rcvd) Mon Mar 13, 1989 2:56pm (0:04) Actually, the Buddha isn't mouldering either, if you get right down to it.... ....The Buddha has escaped the wheel of karma, which puts the Buddha apart from the majority of human beings, in much the same way as Jesus in the fable of Christ has been set apart from the majority of human beings, although it's not clear how Jesus is different from Lazarus except in primacy of time (Lazarus rose first). The Buddha's bones are, after all, merely Maya, as are those of SYSOP@SLACBBS. (I pass over without comment SYSOP@SLACBBS' hilarious Malapropism about trades conducted by people in graves, except to wonder rhetorically just what he thinks Buddha is molding.) *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #52375 *BBS COMMUNITY* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#52370) (Rcvd) Mon Mar 13, 1989 2:55pm (0:01) You tempt the Gods.... ....Before long we'll be seeing advTHANKSanceMsg all over the place. *Children [Find] BBS COMMUNITY> ....... Msg #52365 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#52318) Mon Mar 13, 1989 12:07pm (0:01) Good grief. This raises "ignorance of the law" to new heights. [Find] RELIGION> Msg #52364 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#52313) Mon Mar 13, 1989 12:06pm (0:01) Neither is the Purple Worm. [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #52014 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#51948) (Rcvd) Sat Mar 11, 1989 3:52am (0:13) Not exactly.... ....Remember that Roe v. Wade dealt only with the criminal law. The States have a duty to permit voluntary abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy, to exercise only reasonable regulation in the second trimester, and so on. Whatever rights were established by that decision relate to freedom from State intervention. RESCUE fanatics aren't constrained by Roe v. Wade at all, but on the other hand, RESCUE fanatics have no more right to obstruct a woman's access to an abortion clinic than they have to obstruct your access to the Edison. If they have a parade or other public demonstration permit, they have a special license to obstruct public thoroughfares in specified ways, the same way the Easter Parade does. If they don't, or if they exceed the bounds of their license, then when they obstruct your passage, or anyone else's, they commit a technical tort, just as you or I might do by shaking a fist at someone in a bar. If you've lots of money to spend on such things, you might sue and collect nominal damages for this. Separately and apart, they usually also violate some sort of ordinance against unlawful assembly or obstruction of traffic or the like, and therefore they get hauled off in paddy wagons. A tort is a civilly-redressible violation of private right (i.e., breach of duty); a crime is a criminally-punishable breach of public duty. Freedom of expression doesn't mean that Falwell or whoever may not advocate boycotts, so long as he doesn't advocate criminal conduct. The government has a duty to permit freedom of expression. I have no duty to permit free expression in my own household, or even to argue publicly that certain views should not be freely expressed; such an argument is an exercise of my own right of expression. But all these are >legal< things, not moral things. Confusing the two universes is what makes SYSOP@SLACBBS's rhetoric so difficult to follow. It's easy to postulate a moral responsibility to exercise a legal right with discretion, or even not to exercise it; but unless that responsibility has >legal< existence, it exists by consensus if at all. To impose it on an unwilling subject requires legal enactment. One person's moral responsibility might be someone else's hideous blasphemy. To such persons, amicable resolution is impossible. On a slight tangent, the same observation applies to the creationist/evolutionist debate simmering here: the sides will never agree that Creationism is bunk or that Evolution is bunk. A more productive direction for the discussion would be whether Creationism (meaning the book of Genesis) should be taught as positive science in public schools, without including (for example) the competing theory that the behavior of all living things is dictated by the effect of karma upon the Wheel of Rebirth within the Dream of Brahma. Why single out the old Jewish creation myths for parallel treatment? And if schools cannot fairly treat all creation myths as alternative theories, then why include any? *Children [Find] RELIGION> ...................................... Msg #51940 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#51882) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 10, 1989 7:47pm (0:04) I think what he's referring to is a distortion of.... ....a cliche of Anglo-American jurisprudence, namely, "every right has a corresponding duty." Obviously that has nothing to do with the point he's trying to make: the right and the duty pertain to different persons. If I have a right to speak, then somebody has a duty to refrain from silencing me. If I have a right to walk across your land, you have a duty to refrain from preventing me. If I have a right to collect $200 from you, you have a duty to pay me. There's no such thing as a right and a duty joined in a single person; should that happen, the right and duty would merge, leaving nothing. *Children [Find] RELIGION> ..................................................... Msg #51845 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JONATHAN (#51804) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 10, 1989 3:08am (0:15) ---And then all the people cheered again.... ....and one man, who was more excited than the rest, flung his hat high into the air, and shouted (as well as I could make out) "Who roar for the Sub-Warden?" >Everybody< roared, but whether it was for the Sub-Warden, or not, did not clearly appear: some were shouting "Bread!" and some "Taxes!", but no one seemed to know what it was they really wanted. All this I saw from the open window of the Warden's breakfast-saloon, looking across the shoulder of the Lord Chancellor, who had sprung to his feet the moment the shouting began, almost as if he had been expecting it, and had rushed to the window which commanded the best view of the market-place. "What >can< it all mean?" he kept repeating to himself, as, with his hands clasped behind him, and his gown floating in the air, he paced rapidly up and down the room. "I never heard such shouting before---and at this time of the morning, too! And with such unanimity! Doesn't it strike you as >very< remarkable?" I represented, modestly, that to >my< ears it appeared that they were shouting for different things, but the Chancellor would not listen to my suggestion for a moment. "They all shout the same words, I assure you!" he said: then, leaning well out of the window, he whispered to a man who was standing close underneath, "Keep 'em together, ca'n't you? The Warden will be here directly. Give 'em the signal for the march up!" All this was evidently not meant for >my< ears, but I could scarcely help hearing it, considering that my chin was almost on the Chancellor's shoulder. The "march up" was a very curious sight: a straggling procession of men, marching two and two, began from the other side of the market-place, and advanced in an irregular zig-zag fashion towards the Palace, wildly tacking from side to side, like a sailing vessel making way against an unfavourable wind---so that the head of the procession was often further from us at the end of one tack than it had been at the end of the previous one. Yet it was evident that all this was being done under orders, for I noticed that all eyes were fixed on the man who stood just under the window, and to whom the Chancellor was continually whispering. This man held his hat in one hand and a little green flag in the other: whenever he waved the flag the procession advanced a little nearer, and when he dipped it they sidled a little farther off, and whenever he waved his hat they all raised a hoarse cheer. "Hoo-roah!" they cried, carefully keeping time with the hat as it bobbed up and down. "Hoo-roah! Noo! Consti! Tooshun! Less! Bread! More! Taxes!" "That'll do, that'll do!" the Chancellor whispered. "Let 'em rest a bit until I give you the word. He's not here yet!" But at this moment the great folding-doors of the saloon were flung open, and he turned with a guilty start to receive His High Excellency. However, it was only Bruno, and the Chancellor gave a little gasp of relieved anxiety. "Morning!" said the little fellow, addressing the remark, in a general sort of way, to the Chancellor and the waiters.... Just then, a single voice in the distance was understood to shout "A speech from the Chancellor!" "Certainly, my friends!" the Chancellor replied with extraordinary promptitude.... -- <Sylvie and Bruno>, Ch. 1, "Less Bread! More Taxes!" [Find] LITERATURE> Msg #51844 *UNIX* From YNCVIC SYRDON To CHAIM (#51787) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 10, 1989 3:03am (0:04) See if you have a manual page for tty(4)... ....on Xenix systems, this page is tty(M). Don't confuse it with the /bin/tty; the entry I'm speaking of describes the general tty interface, not the shell command 'tty'. 'sgtty.h' is a file associated with a more primitive tty interface, and is supplied for compatibility with older software. ioctl() accepts arguments in both 'sgtty' and 'termio' formats, with the initial argument specifying which form is being used. I've never read the Prentice-Hall books. If you don't have any documentation for the tty interface, then perhaps some helpful individual might arrange to mail you a more-or-less generic tty(M) manual page. *Children [Find] UNIX> ................................................................. Msg #51740 *MAGPIE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#51730) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 9, 1989 8:23am (0:01) Oh, it was. Come to think of it, L.J. Kutten was from St. Louis. [Find] MAGPIE> ..... Msg #51728 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#51682) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 9, 1989 6:53am (0:01) I bet they know some good Negro jokes. *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #51726 *MAGPIE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#51678) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 9, 1989 6:53am (0:05) In my case, as you know, I get 'em all anyway in batch.... ....In the case of interactive users, the suggestion (which I already made to GREG somebody) of simply hitting TAB when a specific name shows up in the From field is unreliable, the deadman switch in reverse. Actually, I don't particularly care; I made the suggestion to aid those persons who don't want to read >my< messages. When Puyallup or Pritchett go off the deep end, I might make an acerbic comment but they (if they're wise) will have squelched me, so it would all end there. Just trying to be helpful. The idea for this, BTW, comes from Earle Robinson, of ejrYam fame, who many years ago ('79 or '80 or so) devised such a filter for capture files on MNET80, the model for what later became the Compuserve Forums; Robinson had become irritated at an MNET80 user named L. J. Kutten, and the prototype was called LJKUTTEN.FLT. If you think >I'm< a curmudgeon, you should have seen Robinson in the old days. He's mellowed now. Riposte: why have Discussion boards, instead of "just not reading messages" within specific branches? *Children [Find] MAGPIE> ................................... Msg #51674 *MAGPIE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#304) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 9, 1989 1:15am (0:06) Squelch suggestion for leisurely implementation.... ....On Bonsai, a user could create a special Mark with a <Squelch> option within the Change User menu. The message-number value associated with the Mark was (-2), and the name of the Mark was the username to be squelched. The effect of squelching somebody was that any message by a Squelched user showed up as "<squelched>" UNLESS a specific command was made to display the message, such as "Show Message." Things like (in Magpie terminology) "Show Thread", whether fulltext or title-only, would similarly yield only the message number and "<squelched>". "Show Parent" from a non-squelched message whose parent was written by a squelched user would yield "#nnnnn <squelched>". This is comparatively simple to implement and I commend it to you. If you implement it, then you need no longer suffer through acrimonious exchanges between me and Puyallup, punctuated by Puyallup's balloon, "Dr." Pritchett, because I'll be able to lock out Puyallup's messages and Puyallup can lock out mine, and we will be effectively mutually invisible. And I can lock out all Puyallup's little friends as well, and they me. *Children [Find] MAGPIE> ................................................................. Msg #51570 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JESSE LEVINE (#51536) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 8, 1989 6:06pm (0:01) Which turtle? It's turtles all the way down. *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #51568 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To GREG PIERCE (#51494) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 8, 1989 6:05pm (0:03) Eh? What personal attack? "Know all there is to know"?.... ....And you should spend some time with a good dictionary. Repeated ridicule of a >position< is not a personal attack; it's an attack on the >position<. Similarly, an observation that person X has expressed many ridiculous positions is not a personal attack. Where have I said that person X is a bad or ugly person? I suggest that you simply hit the TAB key whenever you see my name in the FROM field. I'll reciprocate. [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> Msg #51567 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To GREG PIERCE (#51493) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 8, 1989 6:04pm (0:01) 'Cause if I did it at the beginning you could TAB out of it, sonny. [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ........................................................... Msg #51472 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To VIDKUN (#51454) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 8, 1989 5:54am (0:08) Perhaps the elided quotation was misleading.... ....although I believe I preserved the original intent of the writers. What I left out was a tangent about urban planning; the full entry (full because you live there, and might be interested) is: Kips Bay Plaza (apartment complex), E. 30th to E. 33rd Sts., First to Second Aves., South Building 1960, North Building 1965. I. M. Pei & Assocs. and S. J. Kessler. New York's first exposed concrete apartment houses, joined soon after by Chatham Towers (1965, Kelly & Gruzen) and Pei's own University Plaza (1966). The vast open space compensates for the huge 21-story building slabs. These are stepchildren of Le Corbusier's Marseille Block: the giant and beautifully detailed building in a park. Here, the city planning decision is more important than architectural detail (the latter is careful, but boring). Do buildings define urban pedestrian space -- streets, boulevards, and plazas -- or shall they be freestanding objects in a park? In 1960 the latter proposition seemed to be gaining currency; these days the streets are winning again. Caveat: my copy of the <AIA Guide> is roughly ten years old, so phrases like "these days" must be read in context. Puyallup and Dr. Pritchett, who know everything there is to know about art, can bring you up to date. They can probably also inform you about I. M. A. Schlemiel, an architect whose work is virtually unknown on account of being garbage, but which must be included in any history of architecture because quality doesn't count in any history of art. Schlemiel is best known (among the very few who know) for his work in bathroom-renovation, where he made fewer mistakes than usual. *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ............ Msg #51457 *FILMS* From YNCVIC SYRDON To THOMAS SHIM (#51415) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 8, 1989 4:33am (0:05) The Tribune (more accurately, Tribune Broadcasting) also owns.... ...."At the Movies", which formerly featured Siskel and Ebert. Siskel and Ebert got into a money dispute with the Tribune people and walked out, to put together their own syndicated review show, and the Chicago Tribune promptly demoted Siskel. He's now some vague title like "media consultant." This is why Siskel and Ebert now longer say "I'm Gene Siskel, film critic for the Chicago Tribune." Instead, they say "...of the Chicago Tribune." There was lots of bitterness at the time. As for syndicating Ebert to the News, what's the problem? You can bet that the News pays through the nose for the column; there's no direct competition with the Chicago Sun-Times; so what? You might as easily ask why the News includes Ebert's column, since Ebert works for the Sun-Times. The answer in either case is, money talks. *Children [Find] FILMS> .......................................... Msg #51361 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To VIDKUN (#51315) (Rcvd) Tue Mar 7, 1989 7:48pm (0:09) Pei spent his youth in China.... ....and came to the U.S. in 1935 to attend M.I.T. and the Massachusetts Institute of Design. He was naturalized in 1954 and opened his own architectural firm in NYC in 1955. He's known more for his prolificness than for uniform high quality; his career has been a checkered one. Most of his work has been in the U.S. and Canada: the Mile High Center in Denver, the East-West Center at the University of Hawaii, the Everson Museum of Art in Syracuse, the Place Ville Marie in Montreal, L'Enfant Plaza in D.C. Pei has been criticized for the John Hancock Tower in Boston, not for the aesthetics but for the execution; the Tower has had a calamitous record of technical troubles. The East Wing of the National Gallery isn't unanimously praised, either; Pei's AIA medal wasn't specifically for the National Gallery, it was for "distinguished service to the architectural profession." On the other hand, the Xiangshan Hotel in Peking, designed by Pei and completed in 1983, has been well received. In New York City, Pei's most notable project is the office building at 88 Pine Street, between Water and Front Streets, generally recognized as a aesthetic success. He also designed the predominantly-N.Y.U.-owned apartment buildings at 100 and 110 Bleecker Street and 505 LaGuardia Place, originally called University Village and now called in part the "Silver Towers" (Pei had nothing to do with the pedestrian Picasso reproduction in the middle of the project, that was added later); the apartment buildings at Kips Bay Plaza, on East 30th to East 33rd Streets between First and Second Avenues (which the <AIA Guide to New York City> describes as "boring ... freestanding objects in a park"); and the National Airlines Sundrome at JFK. The I. M. stands for "Ieoh Ming." Pei's architectural firm is located at 600 Madison Avenue. I'm sure Puyallup and Dr. Pritchett will supply much more detail. *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ............................................... Msg #51206 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BILL ZIMMERLY@SLACBBS (#51106) Mon Mar 6, 1989 10:38pm (0:01) By any chance, are you a rocket scientist? ==> Login: PATRICK CASEY [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #50858 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JONATHAN (#50818) (Rcvd) Sun Mar 5, 1989 3:02am (0:06) It comes from <Sylvie and Bruno Concluded>.... ....which was first published in 1893; specifically from Chapter 12, entitled "Fairy Music." The exchange you quote is between Carroll, who narrates the two <Sylvie and Bruno> novels (if one can call them novels; Carroll calls them "Volumes") and a ">very< learned-looking man with large spectacles", referred to only as "Mein Herr" because that's all that anybody at Sylvie and Bruno's farewell-party knows to call him. The exchange is only one of very many that occur during the farewell-party, which occupies several chapters. <Sylvie and Bruno> can be found in any complete collection of Carroll, of which there should be several floating around, the best paperback being from Vintage. <Sylvie and Bruno> also contains some of Carroll's most diverting verse, for example (from the Gardener's Song), He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk Descending from the bus: He looked again, and found it was A Hippopotamus: 'If this should stay to dine', he said, There won't be much for us!' Probably the most memorable fragment of <Sylvie and Bruno>, among its relatively few living readers, is the intriguing slogan chanted by the mob at the beginning of the book, "Less Bread! More Taxes!", which I once contemplated inserting into a Usenet signature. *Children [Find] LITERATURE> ............................. Msg #50798 *FILMS* From YNCVIC SYRDON To PATRICK CASEY (#50781) (Rcvd) Sat Mar 4, 1989 10:51pm (0:01) Chinese westerns, or just westerns set in Chinese restaurants? *Children [Find] FILMS> .................................................... Msg #50558 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#50527) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:43am (0:04) Uganda was never specifically mentioned by the British.... ....what Chamberlain said was "East Africa." The division within the Congress (the Sixth Zionist Congress) was mostly on account of the perceived possibility of >statehood< in East Africa as opposed to settlement within a Turkish province in Palestine. The faction supporting Africa was called the "Territorialist" faction. Nobody at the time suggested that Palestine be separated from the jurisdiction of the Sultan. The modern history of Palestine before 1948 is basically the history of Britain's efforts to prevent first Russia and then Germany from acquiring control over the land route to India, coupled with discriminatory policies in Eastern Europe that counteracted assimilationist tendencies among the Jews. [Find] RELIGION> Msg #50557 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#50516) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:42am (0:01) Nitmsg: not the slammer, instead execution by the religious right. [Find] RELIGION> Msg #50556 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#50512) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:41am (0:02) OK, so throw out the theory of evolution.... ....and start from scratch. I'll admit for the purposes of argument that nothing is established about where anything came from. There are many religious myths about the origin of the World As It Is Today. I see nothing to recommend any one over another. Isn't this universe the cosmic dream of Brahman? [Find] RELIGION> Msg #50555 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BILL@SLACBBS (#50472) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:40am (0:01) Sure, God lacks the ability to doubt his own existence. *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #50554 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To FIRE ESCAPE@SLACBBS (#50468) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:40am (0:04) You misinterpret Jesse's emphasis.... ....He's essentially saying that humanity consists of the adaptive capacity of the human brain given something to adapt to. Until it's been exposed to the world for quite some time, several months at the minimum, it's not worthy of protection against death in Jesse's moral system. An elderly person, someone with much accumulated mundane experience, isn't within the same category. Jesse's criteria seem to me also to justify euthanasia of the mentally defective at any age, but here the problem is with application, not with concept. Given that the mentally defective has no more reasoning capacity than a week-old baby, and that tests for this condition are reliable, I have no problem even with this. Of course, you can't unload bowling balls with a pitchfork. *Children [Find] RELIGION> . Msg #50552 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To FIRE ESCAPE@SLACBBS (#50467) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:39am (0:01) So aborted fetuses won't be judged? *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #50551 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To PAT MORGAN (#50455) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 3, 1989 10:38am (0:01) Therefore, both the original message and the criticism should subsist. [Find] LITERATURE> ............................................... Msg #50441 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JAMES PRITCHETT (#50370) (Rcvd) Fri Mar 3, 1989 1:07am (0:06) I made some GORGEOUS finger-paintings in Kindergarten.... ....By the way, I take the approach that art history is the study of the production of a limited number of masterpieces by a limited number of artists, who need not be "great artists", merely the producers of masterpieces; with the caveat that such a history should also be peppered sporadically with the work of also-rans, so as to make more clear why the masterpieces are masterpieces. May I interest you in any of the beaten-aluminum ashtrays that I made in the fifth grade? How about a tape recording of my upstairs neighbor's eight-year-old practicing the piano? I'm endlessly amazed at the school of thought that says talent and skill are unimportant and that the mediocre and abysmal performance should receive the same reception as the great performance, presumably out of considerations of democracy. Why shouldn't someone be honored as a musician or painter simply because he has no talent and no skill? (Funny how this view is held mostly by people who have no talent and no skill.) "The history of an art is the history of masterworks, not of failures or mediocrity." -- <The Spirit of Romance> [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> .............. Msg #50402 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To PUYALLUP (#50362) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 11:08pm (0:01) Well, thanks for all the names, anyway. [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ................... Msg #50365 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To XANIA (#50356) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 7:12pm (0:03) Lots of men who painted aren't acknowledged in "our modern text books".... ....Just as most men who paint today won't be acknowledged in tomorrow's texts. The names in the texts are merely the most memorable ones. If you "do know", as you claim, that "there were women painters back then", and if you believe them to have been memorable, why don't you tell us about them specifically, so that we'll understand why they're memorable enough to include in current texts? *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ............... Msg #50343 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BARBARA KRASNOFF (#50331) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 1:47pm (0:01) How does this translate into censorship? *Children [Find] LITERATURE> Msg #50342 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To PUYALLUP (#50328) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 1:46pm (0:02) I'll concede "perhaps." 20 years is a long time.... ....and I don't have any of my college texts any more. In any case, who are all the female artists omitted from <whatever> art-history text? *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ................. Msg #50308 *HUMANITY* From YNCVIC SYRDON To VERNON WILLIAMS (#50299) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 6:31am (0:01) Why stop at "human beings?" [Find] HUMANITY> .................. Msg #50249 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To PUYALLUP (#50180) (Rcvd) Thu Mar 2, 1989 1:06am (0:04) When I was in college.... ....the standard "Art 101" text was Jansen's <History of Western Art>. Perhaps we're speaking of different authors, perhaps of different editions of the same work. In the "Introduction to Art History" course I took as a college freshman, Jansen was only one of several texts; I recall that an entire textbook was devoted to Pop art, and it didn't slight Warhol in the least, nor Oldenburg nor any of the rest of the notables as of 1966. So who are all these female artists getting the editorial shaft? I asked specifically about minority and female artists before 1800 because I wanted to eliminate American folk art in the post-Revolutionary era. Who, in your opinion, were the top ten female visual artists before 1800? *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ..................................... Msg #50176 *ARTS/MEDIA* From YNCVIC SYRDON To XANIA (#50166) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 1, 1989 7:46pm (0:02) What minority(?) or female artists do you believe to have been.... ....unfairly omitted from Jansen's <History of Western Art>? Let's concentrate on artists prior to 1800, since we're speaking after all about a >history< of Western art. *Children [Find] ARTS/MEDIA> ........................................... Msg #50092 *FILMS* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JIM FREUND (#50071) (Rcvd) Wed Mar 1, 1989 1:53am (0:04) JCS was originally distributed as an album, no show.... ....I enjoyed the album. I thought the casting, meaning the voices, was great and the overall production, with the indispensable libretto, superb. Perhaps on account of the same syndrome whereby reading the book ruins seeing the film, I thought JCS, the show, was a real mess. Too many standout, glaring gaucheries; watching the production was a painful affair. Packaged simply as an album, the thing was a thought-provoking gift to the late '60's. Packaged as a show, the thing was a clumsy, obvious show-offy attempt at making money. In 1970, nobody in the U.S. had ever seen a stage production of JCS, and so anyone listening to the studio version was free to let his or her imagination work as it would. On the other hand, I think the invention of music video's bites the big one, too. *Children [Find] FILMS> ................................................. Msg #49998 *ARCHIVERS* From YNCVIC SYRDON To DEAN COOPER (#49898) (Rcvd) Tue Feb 28, 1989 6:26pm (0:02) Could you guys please move this inane discussion to ARCHIVERS? ARCHIVERS was created so the rest of us need not be forced to read all the IBM-archiver-wars drivel. Or other IBM drivel, for that matter. [Find] ARCHIVERS> ......................................................... Msg #49912 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49862) Tue Feb 28, 1989 9:52am (0:05) All right, then, let's let the viewers decide.... ....You say you weren't making fun? To Harvey Smith, Joe Zitt said: "To find out about the Sanhedrin, and what it was and wasn't, check out any text on Jewish history that you haven't written yourself. Note that the Sanhedrin only started in the post-Exilic period, and lasted a very short time." And you, uninvited, interjected: "Joe - who is making up history here. I may not agree with all that Harvey posts here but you are dead wrong about the Sanhedrin. Bibles aside if you check a simple encyclopedia it will tell you that the Sanhedrin was first established under Nasi in the time of the Maccabees which was around 200 to 100 BC, a full 150 years before the exile. What else are you amiss on? Mike" As you have acknowledged, YOU'RE the one who was "dead wrong." I believe an apology to Joe Zitt is called for here. Pity you don't have time to read. ==> Logout: STEVE MANES *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49911 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To FIRE ESCAPE@SLACBBS (#49850) Tue Feb 28, 1989 9:50am (0:01) "We can't punish an innocent child for the crimes and sins.... ....of their father or mother"? What happened to Original Sin? *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49909 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SISTER SUE@SLACBBS (#49847) Tue Feb 28, 1989 9:49am (0:01) You mean, you gotta learn how to read Hebrew and Alexandrian Greek? *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49908 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SISTER SUE@SLACBBS (#49843) Tue Feb 28, 1989 9:49am (0:01) Why are your messages peppered with seemingly random "`" marks? ==> Logout: PATRICK CASEY *Children [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #49646 *SCIENCE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JONATHAN (#49557) (Rcvd) Mon Feb 27, 1989 2:11am (0:03) Untrue.... ....We call this time "A bit before the fall of the Western Roman Empire until the Reformation, except in countries that did not embrace the Reformation, in which countries the [Roman Catholic] Church still has immense influence but is no longer an imperious arbiter; in countries embracing the Reformation, other Churches served as arbiter until recent times. In many parts of the world, the Church never was the arbiter of conduct." The Dark Ages, FYI, are generally reckoned to have lasted from around A.D. 500 to 1000. Do you assert that the Crusades were unaffected by the Church? *Children [Find] SCIENCE> ........................................................... Msg #49529 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49497) Sun Feb 26, 1989 7:10pm (0:01) Easy: self-fullfilling prophecy. Pity you don't have time to read. [Find] RELIGION> ....... Msg #49519 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49499) Sun Feb 26, 1989 4:14pm (0:01) But those non-religious people will be sent to Hell, no? [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49518 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49496) Sun Feb 26, 1989 4:21pm (0:02) The same as with Babar the Elephant.... ....all three are simply characters in an old book. What?, you say, but Jesus is historical? Well, the Cid is historical too, but that doesn't make Corneille's <Le Cid> literal truth. Hell, the prophet Mohammed is historical, and so is Joseph Smith. So, most likely, is the Buddha. Why aren't you a Muslim or a Mormon or a Buddhist? [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49517 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49494) Sun Feb 26, 1989 4:13pm (0:03) You say nothing to differentiate the Bible from the Koran.... ....nor from the Tao-te-Ching, not to mention the Analects of Confucius. I see no particular reason to abide by any of them except insofar as any of them might coincidentally correspond with my own ethical principles. By the way, I find the philosophy of the Tao and the Analects much more intellectually appealing than the philosophy (if one can call it that) presently extracted from the Bible by American evangelical Christians. Given the current Rushdie situation, I won't start up a tangent by commenting on Islam. [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49516 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49493) Sun Feb 26, 1989 4:12pm (0:02) "This very conversation would no doubt be illegal".... ....if we had not "had as many wars, in particular the one in 1776"? Do you believe this conversation would be illegal in Great Britain today? [Find] RELIGION> .................................. Msg #49454 *FILMS* From YNCVIC SYRDON To TOM BETZ (#49431) (Rcvd) Sun Feb 26, 1989 4:44am (0:05) The distributed program notes.... ....of which I can speak from direct experience since I saw "2001" in 1968, when NYC theaters were distributing program notes, mostly to defend against the accusation that the vacuum-entry stuff was unrealistic -- said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the psychedelic garbage at the end of the film. I promise you that this is true. You see, Blather C. Clarke's novel <2001> didn't appear until several months after the film debuted, and NOBODY I could find could explain the last half-hour or so of "2001". I could find skilled interpreters for the Middle-Earth languages, including Elvish, but nobody who could explain the ending of "2001". Eventually I read <2001>, and yawned. Arthur C. Clarke seems to have been afflicted with pedestrianism. Nothing he's written since <Childhood's End> has had any imagination to it. The film "2001" is an abject failure, containing some of the worst acting I've ever seen in a first-run release. I suggest that HAL-9000 does the best acting, and perhaps this is a compliment to the rest of the cast. *Children [Find] FILMS> .............................................. Msg #49379 *UNIX* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#27976) (Rcvd) Sat Feb 25, 1989 7:34pm (0:29) A non-Unix, but Unix-interesting and amusing article from the Usenet: From: R746RZ02@VB.CC.CMU.EDU (AMSTerDamn System) Subject: Amsterdamn Vol IV 16 Message-ID: <8902250119.AA13124@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU> Date: 3 Feb 89 09:00:00 GMT Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU Organization: The Internet Lines: 133 [ Via AMSTerDamn v2.1A ] [ with AMS-auto3.2D/SAM2A/AMSv2A ] >From: bee@PURDUE.EDU Subject: Viruses and System Security (a story) The following story was posted in news.sysadmin recently. The more things change, the more they stay the same... [Find] UNIX> Msg #49378 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49298) Sat Feb 25, 1989 5:50pm (0:01) In fact, it doesn't surprise me at all. [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49377 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#49294) Sat Feb 25, 1989 5:50pm (0:01) You're the one who made fun of Joe Zitt's reference to "post-Exilic." *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #49376 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BILL@SLACBBS (#49280) Sat Feb 25, 1989 5:49pm (0:01) "Superstition." [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #48923 *CITY Q&A* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#48509) (Rcvd) Thu Feb 23, 1989 7:04pm (0:01) This has now been done. Thanks, JC. [Find] CITY Q&A> Show Parent Msg #48509 *CITY Q&A* From JOHN COWAN To YNCVIC SYRDON (#47891) (Rcvd) Tue Feb 21, 1989 11:47am (0:02) Offer: I can (given access to appropriate formats) convert the Bonsai system to MagNet format. This will make it importable, as a whole or in part, to any Magpie system at any later time. Current message is: Msg #48923 From: YNCVIC SYRDON * This has now been done. Thanks, JC. [Find] CITY Q&A> ............................ Msg #48861 *CITY Q&A* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#48530) (Rcvd) Thu Feb 23, 1989 2:44am (0:01) You got it, cowan. Essential information is in your mail there. With luck, all essential information. [Find] CITY Q&A> ................................................. Msg #48582 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#48542) (Rcvd) Tue Feb 21, 1989 11:14pm (0:01) In literal terms, none of the Bill of Rights Amendments applied to States. [Find] RELIGION> .................... Msg #48528 *CITY Q&A* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOHN COWAN (#48509) (Rcvd) Tue Feb 21, 1989 1:42pm (0:02) Well, lessee, Bonsai's message base is a bit under 6 megs.... ....but most of that is text, which can be substantially compressed. Formats are no problem. Kid arrays of fixed size, with negative kids and kids greater than a million denoting Gateways. A single parent pointer. Some security fields not relevant to Magpie. *Children [Find] CITY Q&A> Msg #48527 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#48464) Tue Feb 21, 1989 1:41pm (0:01) The Exile was from 597 to 538 B.C. What else are you amiss on? [Find] RELIGION> Msg #48526 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SYSOP@SLACBBS (#48458) Tue Feb 21, 1989 1:41pm (0:02) You'd do well to read the late B. Tuchman's.... ....<Bible and Sword: England and Palestine from the Bronze Age to Balfour>. Some of your ignorance would go away. *Children [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #48324 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOE ZITT (#48301) (Rcvd) Mon Feb 20, 1989 4:13am (0:05) The theme from "Exodus", BTW.... ....was sung by Pat Boone. I don't represent the film as any sort of by-Jews-for-Jews event, or even anything historically accurate, I simply propound the symbolism in the face of anybody who claims to be holier-than-that. This land is mine, God gave this land to me, God gave this ancient land to me. And though I'm just a man, When you are by my side, With the help of God I know I can be strong. (Knock, knock) "Hello?" "Yes, hello. Don't you think that the above lyrics apply to us Palestinians as much as they apply to Jews?" (Slam) Frankly I think all the zealots should be cleared out of the Middle East and relocated in Antarctica, where their respective Gods will keep them warm and in food, and the Middle East should be opened up to all the Pro-Life people, each of which shall adopt a baby previously slated for abortion and raise it as her/his/their own, and farm the desert to support it. *Children [Find] RELIGION> Msg #48321 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JIM FREUND (#48242) (Rcvd) Mon Feb 20, 1989 1:43am (0:02) The original <Fahrenheit 451>.... ....or at least some very early edition, now prized as a collector's item, came with asbestos covers. The difference between now and the 1950's is that now, when censorious lunatics march into a bookstore, they aim their flamethrowers at the staff and clientele as well as at the books. Such is the way of those faithful to Allah, the Merciful. *Children [Find] LITERATURE> ............................................ Msg #48236 *BBS COMMUNITY* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BARBARA KRASNOFF (#48215) (Rcvd) Sun Feb 19, 1989 4:55pm (0:01) I think he means his own >mail< site, for his use only. *Children [Find] BBS COMMUNITY> ............ Msg #48218 *UNIX* From YNCVIC SYRDON To TOM BETZ (#48195) (Rcvd) Sun Feb 19, 1989 1:52pm (0:03) One other thing.... ....You should keep in mind the possibility that if a user receives LOTS of mail regularly, then that user's mailbox, if moved last week, may once again grow large enough to be a candidate for moving before the user has logged in to read the previously-moved mailbox. If the newly-grown mailbox is then moved to that user's home directory with the same filename, then the contents of the previously-moved mailbox will be destroyed. Therefore, in the moving step, the mailbox file should be renamed in some unique way. I suggest using a four-digit suffix consisting of the month and day. *Children [Find] UNIX> ............................... Msg #48153 *LITERATURE* From YNCVIC SYRDON To STEVE MANES (#48116) (Rcvd) Sun Feb 19, 1989 2:26am (0:06) Agreed. If threats were made against B. Dalton personnel.... ....then B. Dalton should have offered any employee who felt threatened by the Rushdie situation unpaid leave with a guarantee of re-employment after the crisis passes. And B. Dalton should then recruit temporary help and inform them about the threats (if any). If nobody is willing to staff a B. Dalton-owned bookstore on account of the Imam, then OK. In the meantime, post notices saying that Muslim terrorists have threatened violent acts against bookstores carrying <The Satanic Verses>. A good place for such notices is on the magnetic sensors B. Dalton's sticks at every entry/exit point in all its bookstores. B. Dalton couldn't give a rat's ass for the wellbeing of the employees or the patrons. What B. Dalton cares about is (1) legal liability in the event that some Muslim wacko blows up a B. Dalton bookstore and (2) the deterrent effect on shoppers who may decline to enter B. Dalton Booksellers if <The Satanic Verses> is being sold there, for obvious reasons. As for (1), it has no liability so long as it abides by the suggestions in the previous paragraph, and as for (2), well, children, can you say "chickenshit"? I knew you could. *Children [Find] LITERATURE> Msg #48151 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To ENIGMA (#47980) (Rcvd) Sun Feb 19, 1989 2:24am (0:02) There was once a movie called "Exodus".... ....which had as its logo a raised human arm clutching the 1940's equivalent of an assault rifle. I find this symbolism outrageous, because it implies that certain groups intend to conquer Palestine by force. Such symbolism pollutes the minds of young persons and obviously should be censored. *Children [Find] RELIGION> .............................................................. Msg #48025 *UNIX* From YNCVIC SYRDON To TOM BETZ (#47991) (Rcvd) Sat Feb 18, 1989 5:31pm (0:11) Doing it with a shell script requires some familiarity with 'awk'. It's a bit hard to coach you without knowing what your present skill level is. To check free space on /usr, you'd pipe the output from 'df' to 'awk' and select the appropriate field. If the free blocks are in the fourth field of the 'df' output, you might say USRFREE=`df | awk '/usr/ { print $4 }'` if [ -gt 10000 ] # or whatever other level you set then exit 0 fi I recommend against selecting the oldest mailboxes, since a tiny letter added yesterday to a mailbox unread for months will make the mailbox look like it's all up to date. If all the mailboxes reside in the same directory, life is easier, but if not, then you must assemble an "ls -l" listing of every mailbox file by more complicated means. When you have it, and I'll assume here that a simple "ls -l" is all you need to get it, sort by the length field in reverse order and use 'awk' to pick out the filenames: if for example the list looks something like total 2529 -rw------- 1 blah blah 65800 Feb 18 16:21 user1 -rw------- 1 blah blah 313005 Feb 18 16:21 user2 -rw------- 1 blah blah 313 Feb 18 16:21 user3 then ls -l | sort -rn +4.0 -5.0 | awk 'NF > 2 {printf "%s %s ", $9, $5}' # ^--assumes that the list output is generated thuswise would yield user2 313005 user1 65800 user3 313 You can read such output into a loop and process it as you please. You could move mailboxes until the free space on /usr is satisfactory, which requires a test for 'df' with each iteration, or you could arbitrarily move X number of mailboxes between tests for 'df'. The mailing step could use a canned message in a file somewheres, with the command syntax dependent on the local mailer. 'mv' can indeed work across filesystems, but in order to do so it must make a physical copy of the file on the new filesystem, and on many installations, if this happens, the ownership and permissions of the moved file can be changed. If the latter is the case on the Cat, then you'll have to remember the original ownership and permissions and restore them. You shouldn't have any calamitous problems with BSD/USG incompatibility at the shell script level. I am of course assuming use of the Bourne shell for the script. *Children [Find] UNIX> ..................................................... Msg #47891 *CITY Q&A* From YNCVIC SYRDON To JOE ISUZU (#47838) (Rcvd) Sat Feb 18, 1989 2:44am (0:04) Rogol got it from miscellaneous places.... ....The process is sometimes lubricated when someone else has already written an article about the street, but in other cases the procedure is (1) find out who the street was named for and (2) research the aforesaid. There is other stuff sitting around, from the Bonsai Tree Q&A archives, that Steve hasn't posted yet, another 250k or so. I'm considering re-opening Bonsai as a read-only facility simply for the archive value. That would, of course, make access difficult for BBS2 users and for hidebound BBS1 users, since Bonsai used a pre-Magpie Killdwarf command syntax with somewhat different vocabulary. On the other hand, I suppose people should be able to preserve any portions of the Bonsai message base that they wish to preserve, in the event that the Bonsai message base is utterly destroyed at some future time. *Children [Find] CITY Q&A> .................. Msg #47836 *HUMANITY* From YNCVIC SYRDON To SETH CHAIKLIN (#1420) (Rcvd) Fri Feb 17, 1989 11:12pm (0:03) Overheard today at a video-rental place.... ....Girl brandishes at clerk a cassette of "The Lighthorsemen." GIRL: Is this a Western? CLERK: Well, yes, but it's an Australian film, not an American Western. GIRL: You mean it isn't in English? I don't want it if it isn't in English. And who says the New Generation doesn't know its geography? [Now if the Girl could just get some Australian lessons...] *Children [Find] HUMANITY> ............ Msg #47805 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To ENIGMA (#47803) (Rcvd) Fri Feb 17, 1989 5:14pm (0:01) And if nobody wins on Saturday, the jackpot will increase to $8 million. [Find] RELIGION> ................................................. Msg #47660 *RELIGION* From YNCVIC SYRDON To BARBARA KRASNOFF (#47598) (Rcvd) Thu Feb 16, 1989 8:23pm (0:02) Christmas is a Federal and a universal State legal holiday.... ....and in New York, Christmas Day is one of the only two days of the year (aside from Sundays) that licensed liquor stores are prohibited from opening. *Children [Find] RELIGION>
Msg #53511 *PUBLIC* From MANAGEMENT To MANAGEMENT (#268) Sun Mar 19, 1989 9:04pm (0:03) Obituary Magpie-HQ Management regrets to announce that Fred Buck, known here as YNCVIC SYRDON and ROGOL DOMEDEFORS, was found dead in his apartment today. The cause of death is not known. When further details become public, we will make them available here. Note: Magpie-HQ users may see occasional YNCVIC logins for the next few days. Fred's computer calls Magpie-HQ automatically to download messages; this is apparently still happening. We have advised the police to shut down Fred's system. 1 * I can't beleive it! I saw him online only this morning! 2 That sounds really scary... really scary... A person's DEAD and the *Children [New] PUBLIC> Msg #54439 *PUBLIC* From STEVE MANES To MANAGEMENT (#267) Sat Mar 25, 1989 11:52am (0:12) Fred Buck and loose cannons Fred's body is still in the morgue. There are complications with the ex-wife and her attorney. Yonkers has its hands tied until it gets instructions from the legal heirs. There's nothing any of us can do about this. It's a disgraceful situation but nevertheless out of our hands. This message wasn't intended to convey this depressing information but to serve as notice that our old friend, Tzipporah Benavraham, is at it once again. She's attempting to have Fred planted by the Jewish Free Burial Society -- a curious action since it seems that only Tzipporah believes that Fred's mother was Jewish. She believes that she has the legal right to do this because Fred's ex-wife is out of the country, which is highly unconfirmed. More likely, the ex-wife is just refusing phone calls from Fred's friends. As to the JFBS situation, everyone else believes both parents were lapsed Christians and I've notified the JFBS of this. Fred himself was a Purple Wormist. However misguided, there's nothing wrong with Tzipporah trying to get Fred out of the morgue and into the ground except that she appears to be using it as a crusade and is attempting to draft other people into it. Some people, feeling kindly towards Fred, may get sucked into this wild goose chase. She has attempted, for instance, to get someone on this BBS to visit the Yonkers morgue to identify the body even though no such identification was requested by Yonkers, nor would it be permitted. I spoke with a Yonkers official yesterday (who wanted to know who this strange woman was who was doing a bombing run of the Yonkers bureaucracy) and received this clarification: (a) no additional identification of Fred's body is needed -- the M.E. is satisfied that he is who they believe he is, (b) legally, this is a matter between Fred's ex-wife and Yonkers. Unless and until Fred's ex-wife drops her claim to the estate, in writing, Yonkers will not release anything. To get pushy would be to risk a lawsuit from the estate of Fred Buck. His ex-wife is an attorney with a powerful Philadelphia law firm and quite aggravated by this business as it is. Nuff said. Until then, even Fred's will is sealed, which may well state that he is to be cremated. I don't know why Tzipporah is pressing this in light of these facts but she's free to act as she wants (and to get the door slammed in her own face). I can only speculate about her motives for trying to involve others. I just want it known that she does NOT represent Fred's estate, is NOT endorsed by his friends and doesn't appear to have the slightest legal footing to secure what she wants. I don't want anyone suckered into doing her bidding out of memory for Fred only to get emotionally burned. [New] PUBLIC> Msg #54681 *PUBLIC* From STEVE MANES To STEVE MANES (#54439) (Rcvd) Mon Mar 27, 1989 11:29am (0:04) Loose cannons, Part II. I got a call from the NYC Board of Education today. This came from Irwin Kaufman's (head of BoE Communications) office. Tzipporah Benavraham apparently called the Chief of Police of Yonkers and told him that Fred Buck's death was related to his involvement in a "ring of known antisemites" on NYCENET and further accused Fred of putting a virus in the Board of Education computers. Yonkers police called the Board of Ed this morning and were told about Tzipporah's history on NYCENET. I gather that her mental status was already highly suspect in Yonkers. The Board of Ed has referred this to the City Attorney's office for prosecution. I know that Irwin is fed up with this blustering shrew, as are we all. If anyone knows what BBSes Tzipporah Benavraham frequents, please E-mail me. I want to contact their sysops. 1 This is too weird. *Children [New] PUBLIC> a
Msg #92600 *SCIENCE* From JOHN COWAN To BEN MEHLMAN (#92554) Fri Mar 23, 1990 9:27am (0:02) Here's a cookbook method, due to Andy Tanenbaum: 1) Choose two large primes p and q, both > 10^100. 2) Let n = pq and z = (p-1)(q-1). 3) Choose d, a number relatively prime to z. 4) Find e such that ed = 1 (mod z). 5) To encrypt plaintext P, compute P^e (mod n). 6) To decrypt ciphertext C, compute C^d (mod n). The public key is therefore the pair (e, n) and the secret key is d. [New] SCIENCE>

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