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Pinball Construction Set Docs
I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable. |
: **************************** : : * PINBALL CONSTRUCTION SET * : : * BY BILL BUDGE * : : **************************** : Pcs gives you complete control over the game of pinball. You can quickly and easily move parts around, change the scores and the sounds for all targets, create bonuses to shoot for, decide how heavy to make the ball and how fast and lively to make the game, even reshape and repaint the board and the parts. There are 5 complete,ready to play Demo games on your Pcs disk. Each is a great place to start playing PLUS a great place to look for ideas about how to build good pinball games of your own. You build games by using a jostick-controlled hand. You use it to drag parts from the PARTS BOX on to the board and to POINT TO and TURN on other powers at your Pcs command HOW TO LOAD PCS: LOAD 'EA' ,8,1 When you first load Pcs you should see an empty pinball macine and lots of parts to the right of it. You also see a hand at the top left of the screen. With the joystick in port 1 you can easily move it around. Before we get into anything lets get the names of the parts to the right: ROW NAME 1 FLIPPERS: BIG AND LITTLE 1 BALL 1 HAND 2 POLYGONS: SQUARE, LINES 2 ARROW 2 SCISSORS 3 BUMPERS: CIRCLES, FLAT, DIAGNOLS 3 HAMMER 3 PAINTBRUSH 4 SLINGSHOTS 4 KICKERS: UP/DOWN, LEFT/RIGHT 4 LAUNCHER 4 COLORS 5 DROP TARGETS: UP/DOWN,LEFT/RIGHT 5 BALL HOPPER (LOOKS LIKE A 'U') 5 BALL HOPPER (EMPTY CIRCLE) 5 SPINNER (ABOVE MAGNET) 5 MAGNET 5 PLAY (BALL & FLIPPER) 5 MAGNIFIER 6 LANES (FIRST THREE) 6 GATES 6 WORLD (BELOW MAGNET) 6 AND-GATE (BELOW WORLD) 7 ROLLOVERS (FIRST THREE BALLS) 7 KNIFE EDGES (NEXT SIX) 7 DISK Parts Box Inventory: Flipper - To put and keep the ball in play. Ball - Only indespensible part in game Polygons- Used to make shapes with elasticity (bounce) instead of kick. Bumpers - They 'kick' the ball away, regardless of where they're hit. Slngshot- Kick ball away on long side Kickers - Kick ball away on ends Launcher- Puts ball in play by moving joystick up or down. drop tgt- When all four lights are hit they turn off then turn back on, (good for AND gate) ball - Viciuosly vanishes ball from eater - the play area. Next player.. spinner - Spins merrily when ball rolls over it. magnet - Grabs at ball, puts twist into it. lanes - See Demo 2 gates - Lets ball go through one way roll - great for wiring with AND over - Gate. Knife - Tallies score when ball edge - bounces off it. ICON COMMANDS Hand - drags parts onto and around the board, activates other Icons. Arrow - to create and change solid Scissors- shapes made with polygons Hammer - and sides. Paint brush & colors- changes color of border and polygons Play - can play one ball during construction. Mgnifier- To paint details.. To me the most awesume option. AND gate- Set and change scores Disk - load and save games BUILDING GAMES ************** To build games in Pcs, you drag pieces from the 'Parts Box'. Take your hand and touch the side of any part, it can now be moved around, you must hold the fire button down to drag a piece around. Letting go of the firing button releases the part from your power. At this point I am going to have to explain a couple of things.... 1. You need atleast 1 ball on the board if you want to play a game. 2. You need atleast 1 flipper on the board, orthe player will just watch. 3. The ball needs some way of escaping the from the board or the game will never end. This can also be accomplished by putting some 'ball eaters'. When you go to Play mode you can go back to construct by pressing F1. Play mode (ball & flipper) is very helpful when debugging a machine. Color ***** The PAINTBRUSH icon makes changing the colors of the board or polygons easy. You just take your hand and put it over the paintbrush and press fire. the hand now becomes a paint- brush. Move the brush over on of the colors and press fire. Now take the the brush and put it over the side of the machine, instantly the side changes. The paintbrush is good for changing the colors of parts to , but if you want detailed HIGH-RES colors, you need the power of the: MAGNIFIER!!!!!!! The Magnifier is used to make detailed colors by taking your paintbrush inside of the parts!!!!!!! This is accomplished by putting your brush (or hand,hammer,arrow,or scissor) over the magnifier icon. The parts box is then replaced by a a large box and small square appaers the top left. The box is a magnification of the square 7 times. This is hard to explain... take the brush and put it over the square. Next move the square to the letters under the Big Box at the right. This will show you what I mean, the characters have been enlarged from the square to the Box. you can use this to enlarge anything so you can paint in detail. The magnifier is good for drawing your own insignia. If you wondered how they put the name of the machine at the top right , move the square over there. MASSIVE!!!!!!! ******************* Creating New shapes ******************* The ARROW,SCISSORS,AND HAMMER icons let you start with ready made polygons from the parts box to create shapes. To create a shape you need to put a square polygon onto the board (the square polygon is the one with four corners). Then take the paintbrush and paint the polygon (paint it by putting the brush over the polygon and pressing fire). Now you can create. Take the brush and switch into the ARROW. Move the arrow over to a corner of the polygon and press the fire button. Start moving the joystick around with the fire button down. When you let go the button you will have made a new shape. If you noticed when the arrow is activated all 'polygon' types of parts get corners. This also holds true for the hammer and scissors. The hammer is used to make more corners on a shape, this is useful for making shapes of more sides than four. The scissors is just the opposite of the hammer, it erases corners. Take a polygon out and paint it. Then take the scissors and chop off a corner, now you have a triangle. Remember an object needs atleast 3 corners. Another thing to remember is that the square is just 1 polygon, there are smaller ones (lines). ************************************* Setting Gravity,Bounce,Kick and Speed ************************************* The World Icon (under Magnifier) lets you set: Gravity - How heavy is the Ball? Speed - How fast is the ball? Kick - How strong are the bumpers? Elasticity (bounce) - How bouncy are the sides? To change these you just move the hand to the marker and press the fire button to put move the line. The best way to learn this command is to experiment, find out which ones you want. ************ The AND Gate ************ The AND Gate lets you decide on the score and sound for each target,bumper etc..., and it even lets you wire parts together to form bonuses! To get to know this command (it ranks as one of the more useful commands) load DEMO1 and go to this option. After its loaded go to the first AND symbol at the top and see the wiring. The wiring diagram shown means that 'each time the ball goes over both of the bottom roll-over targets you get a BONUS of 1O,OOO points'. Why a bonus? Thats all an and gate will add to. When you play the game you always see 'BONUS X 1' , this is how much the bonus is multyplied by. To make this change wire up a target or a couple of targets and make the bonus the word BONUS instead of a score. Now each time this gate is activated the BONUSX will rise one. That means if the bonus score is 1000 and the BONUSX is 2 , you get a bonus of 2000 points when your turn is over! The BONUSX always goes back to one after every turn and during a turn it will never exceed 5. For some interesting ideas on AND gate look at DEMO4 ************************ SHOWING OFF YOUR WORK... ************************ The Disk Icon (lower right) lets you load,save,format, and MAKE games.. What is Make Game? Make Game allows you to make your pinball machine run on it's own without PCS. This means you can give a copy of to a friend!! Load and Save do what they mean except you need PCS too run it. Whats the difference between SAVE and MAKE. You can change a SAVEd game, you can only play a MAKE game. Format formats a disk. ********** Reference: ********** F1 - returns to Construction Screen. F4 - Changes color modes from Hi-Res to Multi-Color. F3 - Selects different colors in Multi-color. F5 - Selects number of players in Play mode. F7 - Start game in Play mode. |
Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite
Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email) |
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:35 |