BBS Messages

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Magpie: Commands

The Magpie HQ command set. Not sure if this was actual or proposed.

o Upon user's first login, Magpie creates their mailbox
  message, which they may edit once they learn how to do so.
  This way, user doesn't have to learn the new concept of
  "creating" a mailbox.

o The concepts of "show" and "go" have been condensed into
  just "show."  The user can NOT "go" to a message without
  displaying it; likewise, every message that is "shown"
  becomes the current message.

o <R>ead <N>ew prompts "Pause between messages?" and "Read
  replies (if any are found)?"  This lets user read messages
  either continuously or one at a time, and gives them the
  choice of reading thread-wise or flat if they wish.

o The user must be made to understand that every message is
  a reply to another message.  To start a new "thread," the
  user must first get to the correct discussion area (via
  <S>earch, <J>ump, etc.).

o Depending on user level, menus are either verbose or

o The main menu prompt is in the following format (or
  something similar):

     Command> _

o The <R>ead prompt is in the following format (or something

     [path] BOARD (current_msg_no)> _

  For example:

     [New] SCIENCE (#12345)> _




  o Commands in parentheses are not valid for expert level 0.

  o Commands in brackets are valid only if condition stated
    afterward is true.


<C>hat          chat with other users who are on-line

                <D>isplay       display your defaults; this could
                                happen automatically upon entering
                                the Defaults menu
                <P>assword      change your password
                <X>pert         change expert level
                <L>inks         link/unlink SIGs
                (And whatever else)
                <ENTER>         return to main menu

<E>mail                         jumps to user's mailbox and executes
                                <R>ead menu.

                <A>rcWindow     archive window
                <D>ownload      download a file
                <F>ind          find attached file; prompts for
                [<K>ill         delete an attached file] {only if
                                user uploaded it}
                [<R>ead         read text file] {only if a text file}
                <S>tats         file statistics (size, path, etc.)
                <U>pload        upload a file

<O>pen          run external programs

<Q>uit          logoff

                <nnnnn>         read reply (child) #nnnnn
                <A>gain         read this message again
                <->Backward     read previous message
                [<C>hange       change this message] {only if user wrote it}
                [<D>elete       delete this message] {only if user wrote it}
                <E>mail         read your Email {jumps to mailbox and
                                redisplays <R>ead menu}
                <+>Forward      read next highest message
                [<F>iles        info about attached file executes
                                <F>iles menu)]
                                {only if file attached}
                (<H>istory      show messages that you read before)
                                If prefixed by a number, then
                                jumps back that many message in user's
                <J>ump          jump to another message or SIG;
                                accepts message number, SIG name, or mark
                <L>ist          list replies to this message
                (<M>arks        mark a message, or read a marked message)
                                <D>elete        delete a mark
                                <M>ark          mark this message
                                <L>ist          list marks
                <N>ew           read new messages since last logon;
                                prompts "Pause between messages?"
                                and "Read replies (if any are found)?"
                <Q>uit          stop reading and return to main menu
                <R>eplies       read one of the replies to this message
                                (prompts for child #)
                <S>earch        search for a message; just as Magpie does
                                it now
                (<T>hread       Read all replies to this message)
                <U>p            read message to which this is a reply
                <W>rite         write a reply to this message
                (<Y>ell         send a message directly to someone who is
                (<              read left sibling)
                (>              read right sibling)
                <SPACE>         next message {if reading new or thread,
                                "read next new message" or
                                "read next message in thread", respectively}
                [<TAB>          break out of <S>earch or <T>hread or <N>ew]
                                {only if <S>earch or <T>hread or <N>ew active}
                <ENTER>         same as <A>gain

                <W>ho           see who is on-line
                <S>earch        search userlog for a particular user
                                ("ALL" displays entire userlog)

<Y>ell          send a message directly to someone who is on-line


Main menu (verbose):

<C>hat          <F>iles         <R>ead
<D>efaults      <O>pen          <U>sers
<E>mail         <Q>uit          <Y>ell


Main menu (terse):



Main menu help:

-------         -----------
<C>hat          chat with other users who are online
<D>efaults      change your defaults
<E>mail         read and send private messages to and from other users
<F>iles         upload, download, and search for files
<O>pen          run external programs
<Q>uit          logoff Magpie
<R>ead          read public messages
<U>sers         display userlog
<Y>ell          send a message directly to someone who is online


<R>ead menu (verbose):

<nnnnn>         <J>ump          <W>rite
<A>gain         <L>ist          <Y>ell
<->backward     <M>arks          <
<+>forward      <N>ew            >
<C>hange        <Q>uit          <SPACE>
<D>elete        <R>eplies       <TAB>
<E>mail         <S>earch        <ENTER>
<F>iles         <T>hread        <?>help
<H>istory       <U>p


<R>ead menu (terse):
[Note: I think this really isn't necessary]


<R>ead menu help:

-------         -----------
<nnnnn>         read reply #nnnnn
<A>gain         read this message again
<->backward     read previous message
<+>forward      read next message
<C>hange        change (edit) this message
<D>elete        delete this message
<E>mail         read your electronic mail
<F>iles         inspect file attached to this message
<H>istory       list which messages you have already read
<J>ump          jump to another message or SIG
<L>ist          list the replies to this message
<M>arks         mark a message or read a marked message
<N>ew           read new messages since your last login
<Q>uit          return to main menu
<R>eplies       read one of this message's replies
<S>earch        search for a particular message
<T>hread        read ALL replies to this message
<U>p            read the message to which this message is a reply
<W>rite         write a reply to this message
<Y>ell          send a message directly to someone who is online
 <              read sibling to left of this message
 >              read sibling to right of this message
<SPACE>         read next new message / message in thread
<TAB>           break out of <S>earch, <T>hread, or <N>ew
<ENTER>         read this message again (same as <A>gain)



login: JOE USER
password: ********

<Welcome, etc.>

<Main menu>

Command? Read

MAIN (#0) Command? Jump

Jump to which message or SIG? STAR TREK

STAR TREK (#50) Command? New

Pause between messages [Y/N]? Y
Read replies (if any are found) [Y/N]? Y

Msg #65007 *STAR TREK*
To   JOE USER (#3455)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 11:10pm (0:01)

Have you seen Star Terk 5 yet?

*Message has 3 replies*

STAR TREK (#65007) Command? List

  1 * "Terk?"
  2  I don't know if Joe saw it, but I did...
  3  Speaking of Star Trek, I'm a die-hard Trekkie...

STAR TREK (#65007) Command? <SPACE>Next

Msg #65030 *STAR TREK*
To   JOHN DOE (#65007)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 12:30pm (0:01)

* "Terk?"

STAR TREK (#65030) Command? List

*Message has no replies*

STAR TREK (#65030) Command? <SPACE>Next

Msg #65068 *STAR TREK*
To   JOHN DOE (#65007)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 12:30pm (0:01)

I don't know if Joe saw it, but I did...

...and I hated it.

*Message has 2 replies*

STAR TREK (#65068) Command? List

  1 * Didn't you hate EVERY Star Trek movie?
  2 * I'm sure it hated you, too.

STAR TREK (#65068) Command? <SPACE>Next

Msg #65090 *STAR TREK*
To   JIM JONES (#65068)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 12:30pm (0:01)

* Didn't you hate EVERY Star Trek movie?

STAR TREK (#65090) Command? <SPACE>Next

Msg #65200 *STAR TREK*
To   JIM JONES (#65068)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 12:30pm (0:01)

* I'm sure it hated you, too.

STAR TREK (#65090) Command? <SPACE>Next

Msg #65133 *STAR TREK*
To   JOHN DOE (#65007)
Sun Jun 11, 1989 12:30pm (0:01)

Speaking of Star Trek, I'm a die-hard Trekkie...

I know everything bit of trivia there is to know about Star Trek.  My favorite
character is the guy with the pointy ears.

STAR TREK (#65133) Command? Write

<The editing session won't look exactly like this, but you get the idea>
1 If you really want to know...
3 ...I like Star Terk, James Krik, and Mr. Spcok.
4 //

Editor command? Save

65 characters written to message #65403

*YELL from JAKE SPEED at 11:45am*

I saw your mother yesterday at the mall.  She sure looks different with her
clothes on.

(Type "Y" to reply to this Yell)

STAR TREK (#65133) Command? Yell

Send Yell to (type "?" to see who is on-line): JAKE


Enter Yell text (hit <ENTER> twice when done):
1 Really?  Care to step into Chat and repeat that?

Yell sent

STAR TREK (#65133) Command? Quit

<Main menu>

Command? Chat

<Imagine what a chat session looks like>

Command? Users

<W>ho           who is online
<S>earch        search userlog
<Q>uit          return to main menu

Users command? Who

JOE USER on tty1A at 3:34am
JAKE SPEED on tty3B at 3:55am

Users command? Search

Name for which to search ("ALL" to see entire userlog)? JOE

JOE [Y/N]? No

Sorry, no more matches found.

Users command? Quit

Command? Quit

Are you sure you want to log out? Yes

<Thanks for calling, etc.>

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:54