BBS Messages

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Dallas Quest Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

"                       ******************************                         
"                       *                            *                         
"                       *            T H E           *                         
"                       *                            *                         
"                       *  D A L L A S   Q U E S T   *                         
"                       *                            *                         
"                       ******************************                         
" BACKGROUND:                                                                  
" You are a famous detective, As the adventure opens, you have been summoned to
" Soouthfork for a meeting with Sue Ellen. She has called you here to offer you
" a proposition.                                                               
" She is in possession of a letter from jock Ewing to Miss Ellie which describe
" an extremely rich oil field he has discovered during his stay in South       
" America. When jock left on his ill-fated trip h[ERROR]arried a 
" copy of this map with him. But he also took the precaution of leaving a copy 
" of it with an old, old friend and former fellow wildcatter named 'Chugalug'  
¢[ERROR]ligro. Should anything happen to Jock. Chugalug has been instructed to give
" the map only to the person who possesses a particular ring. This ring was    
" enclosed with the letter; also enclosed was a snapshot of 'Chugalug.         
" Sue Ellen explains that she wants this map for herself. She want to become   
" financially independent of J.R. so that if he begins pulling any of his old  
" tricks she can use her own wealth to either make him behave or finance her   
" escape from him. You must, therefore, avoid J.R. at all costs: first, because
" he will most assuredly feel that the map is rightfully his. J.R. will use any
" means to stop you!                                                           
" Sue Ellen goes on to say that you will be paid handsomely for your services  
" and, if you find the map and return it safely to her, Sue Ellen will pay you 
" bonus of two million dollars. Unbeknownst to you and Sue Ellen, J.R. listens 
" to your conversation while lurking in the hallway outside the living room    
" doors.                                                                       
" You must leave at once. She gives you the snapshot, the ring, and $500,000   
" for expenses. She leaves you there and proceeds upstairs to her room.        
" STRATEGY: Most of the adventure unfolds through the words and pictures on    
" your screen. But every super sleuth needs a few leads to get started, so here
" they are:  When 'WELL?' appears on your screen, the computer is waiting for  
" you to enter a message. You do this bu typing the message into the computer, 
" such as EXAMINE RING (don't forget to press return). The computer will res   
" pond by telling you something about the ring. Each of your messages will be  
" one or two words, such as GO NORTH, GET RIFLE, or INVENTORY.                 
" Type EXAMINE (OBJECT) to examine everything that could possibly help you     
" solve this case in addition, use EXAMINE as a one-word command to see if any 
" thing in a particular situation has changed, like whether people have apeared
" or disappeared. If this is your first computer adventure. EXAMINE and its    
" synonyms will be your greatest tools.                                        
" LOOK at your surroundings (you don't need a noun after LOOK in this case),   
" and then LOOK (OBJECT) when you think that an individual object may be useful
" (You will want to OBSERVE everything!)You may want to GET (ITEM) and p[ERROR]to carry only a
" limited number of items with you, so you may have to DROP (ITEM) in order to 
" pick up another item at some point. If you DROP (ITEM) and immediately decide
" you want it back, you can GET IT. You can also OPEN and CLOSE some things    
" that appear on the screen.                                                   
" If you don't remember what you are carrying, take an INVENTORY. If you DROP  
" ALL, you will take no more than you are able to carry.                       
" Any time you want to go somewhere else, check the compass in the upper right 
" corner of the screen to see what directions are possible. Accordingly, you   
" may GO NORTH, GO E, SOUTH or W. Don't [ERROR]
" If you give the computer an instruction (other than a movement command) and  
" want to try it again immediately, type AGAIN. For example, you may try to    
" BLOW BUGLE and find you are unsuccessful. Maybe if you try a second time     
" you'll get better results...                                                 
" For each attempt at sol[ERROR]use them up too soon! The
" number of clues remaining is displayed at the right under the compass. The   
" counter on the opposite side indicates the number of moves taken so far.     
" Just for fun, try one[ERROR]nyms for   
" the words in the computer's vocabulary.                                      
" TURN OFF THE MUSIC by holding down the space bar until it stops.             
" Save Game In Progress: To save a game while you take a breather, type SAVE   
" and press Return. The computer will ask you for a number from 1 to 9 to save 
" the case under, and you will see a list of numbers and names of games already
" saved on your disk. Press the number you want. Then p[ERROR]to 16 letters). It's a good idea to save just before and just
" after each dangerous situation - it makes reloading the case a lot faster.   
" After you save the game, you can QUIT, knowing that you will be able to load 
" the game-in-progress later.                                                  
" QUIT - Type QUIT and press RETURN.                                           
" LOAD - Type LOAD and press RETURN. Type corresponding number of saved games. 
" TURN PICTURES OFF - You can turn the graphics off and on by typing PICTURE.  
" If you want to reach a particular place and are familiar with the route, you 
" can turn off the pictures to get to that point much faster. Then type PICTURE
" (press RETURN) again to turn them on.                                        
" YOU WIN - When you see the words 'THE END' in giant letters.                 
" ****************************************************************************
" *                       WALKTHRU'S BY DOC'S 'R' US BBS                     *
" ****************************************************************************
"  (C)1984

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:40