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Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
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Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Breakdance Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

  *                            B R E A K D A N C E                            *
  Breakdance offers four different ways to enjoy the fun of breakin. Each game 
  offers a new challenge, and the ‘ve got the hang of it try the 'Grand Loop' to see  
  if you can get into the breakdance hall of fame. To pause the game press th
  1. Hot Feet Dance Contest                                                    
     It's only your first day in town, and the local b-boys alreaky want to see
  your moves. They called you to a street corner dancing battle, no less. The  
  hottest breaker in the neighborhood, Hot Feet, is here and he's ready to go  
  down-he has a lot of juice, but you can beat him if you concentrate and feel 
  the don't get wacked!                                            
  Practicing:  The object of this game is to repeat the moves of the dancer    
  controlled by the computer. To practice the moves, press the f3 key. Now you 
  are in practice mode and you can select one of the five moves available by   
  pressing the fire button (spin) or pushing your joystick left (bop left),    
  right (bop right), up (point) or down (squat).                               
  Playing the Game:  When you think you've mastered the steps, press the f1 key
  Got Feet (the dancer on the left of the screen in blue sweats) will perform  
  on of the five moves and then wait for you to repeat it. If you make the     
  correct move, the computer dancer will then perform two moves, repeating the 
  first step and adding a new one. Now you have to perform both moves in the   
  correct order-if you do it right, Hot Feet will add a third move to the se-  
  quence . You'll be awarded one point for each correct move.                  
  The computer will continue adding new moves to the sequence until you make a 
  mistake. Yhen, a new sequence will begin. The breakin ends when you've made  
  four mistakes.                                                               
  2. Battle the Rocket Crew                                                    
     Word spreads fast in the city-everybody's heard about the moves you made  
  when you burned Got Feet. Now, the Rocket Crew has invaded your turf, chall- 
  enging you to a battle. They're moving down your street, pushing you toward  
  a waterfront pier. If you can't outdance them in time, you'll fall off the   
  edge of the pier. Yeah, you'll get wet, but that's not the worst part. Taking
  a dive means you're burned-you'll lose your juice!                           
  The second game pits you against rows of breakers from the other side of town
  This time, you'll have to match the moves of each dancer, one by one, before 
  the gang pushes you off the pier at the end of the street two dancers-then three, then four, and finally the moves 
  will get really tough! Can you handle it?                                    
  Push the joystick left or right to align your dancer under one of the oposing
  street dancers, then press the fire button to begin-now you are ready to per-
  form. Control your dancer with the joystick as in the first game (push the   
  stick left, right, up or down, or press the fire button). Watch the moves of 
  the dancer above you and repeat them. If you perform the moves correctly, the
  dancer will disappear and you can move on to the next one. Each time you re- 
  position your dancer, you must press your fire button to begin. Continue to  
  eliminate the Street dancers one by one as they move down the street.        
  You start the game with four loves, and you lose a life each time you fall   
  off the end of the end of the pier. You get one point for each breakdancer   
  you eliminate. You win if you can eliminate the entire Rocket Crew.          
  3. Perfections Dance Puzzle                                                  
     Now you're getting good. Really good. So good that nobody in the neighbor-
  hood will break with you-they're sick of getting burned. Boogaloo Brewster...the one they call the King. He's waiting for  
  you at the schoolyard. But you're not worried. You've got a couple of moves  
  left up your sleeve.                                                         
  In this game, you have to match a four, six or eight move routine performed  
  by a computer-controlled dancer. The dancer will select the poses and th in which Boogaloo Brewster (the      
  dancer on the left) is performing them While you're playing, a flagpole on   
  the screen indicates how much time you have left. Time runs out when the flag
  reaches the bottom of the pole 
  Controls:  this game has two screens, a dancing screen and a selection screen
  The dancing screen is displayed when the game begins, showing two dancers in 
  r the space
                To return to the dancing screen, press the Return key.         
  Selection Screen:  The selection screen displays the poses used by the com-  
  puter dancer in his routine. You try to arrange them in the correct order.   
                To select  a pose, push the joystick left, right, up or down,  
                or press the corresponding numbered key.                       
                To enter your selection, press the fire button.                
                To change a selection, press the > key to move the cursor right
                and the < key to move the cursor left. Then press the corres-  
                ponding numbered key or use the joystick and fire button to    
                enter a new pose.                                              
                To return to the dancing screen, press the Return key.         
                Note: For two players, the second player must use the cursor   
  Dancing Screen:  The dancing screen shows both dancers performm
  r is on the right.   
  A 'boom box' or radio, will appear in one of the school windows for each move
  move you've guessed correctly. When you succeed, boom boxes will appear in   
  all of the windows of the school and Boogaloo Brewster will start a new      
  You start the game with four loves. You lose a lofe each time you allow the  
  flag to reach the bottom of the pole. You get one point for each boom box won
  and you lose a point for each boom box lost. You may continue to score points
  until you have used all of your lives.                                       
  4.  Choreograph Your Own Dance  came today. You're going to be in the City Breakdance     
  Festival. This could be the break you've been waiting for the chance to      
  really show off your perfections. They said you could choose the music, put  
  together your own routine and perform any moves you wanted. Best of all, you 
  will either get the whole stage to yourself or compete head to head with     
  another dancer!                                                              
  This is what breakin's all about-in this game, you get to choreograph and    
  control a dancer's performance, selecting moves like the Moonwalk, the Turtle
  and even the the music. When 
  the game begins, your dancer is standing on a stage, awaiting your instruct- 
  tions. There's no time limit, and you may choose any routine you wish.       
  Controls:  The freedancing game has two screens, a dancing screen and a menu 
  scrreen. The dancing screen is displayed when the game begins.               
          To see the menu screen, hold down the fire button and push the joy-  
          stick to the left or right.                                          
          To return to the dancing screen, press the Return key, or select     
          'Go Dance' and press the fire button.                                
  Menu Screen:  The selection menu displays the moves you dancer can perform.  
  As you add moves to your routine, the number of each move selected will be   
  displayed in the lower half of the screen.                                   
          To select a move, push the joystick up or down.                      
          To enter your selection, press the button. The move selected is shown
  once at the botttom of the screen.                                           
          To change a previously selected move, push the joystick left or right
  to reposition the cursor, then make the new selection.                       
          To return to the dancing screen, press RETURN or use the joystick    
  to select the GO DANCE option and press the fire button.                     
          To save a dance routine, use the joystick to select the SAVE option  
  and press the fire button (or type S). Then press one key, A through P, and  
  type in the name of your dance, Press the RETURN key to save. You can replace
  old dances with new ones  To load a dance routine, use the joystick to select the LOAD option  
  and press the fire button (or type L). Press the lettered key of the dance   
  you wish to load. Then select GO DANCE on the menu to start performance.     
  To erase the dance currently on the screen, hold down the Commodore key and  
  press the CLR HOME key. he dancer on the stage, push the joystick in any   
                   To change the dancer's speed, hold the fire button down and 
                   push the joystick up to go faster or down to go slower.     
                   To see the menu screen, hold the fire button down and push  
                   the joystick to the left or right.                          
                   To change the music, press any lettered key A through E.    
                   To select another BREAKDANCE game, press the f7 key.        
  5. GRAND LOOP                                                                
     Once you've mastered all four of the games, try the Grand Loop. This      
  option on the Breakdance game menu takes you through all of the games in     
  sequence for added challenge. High scoring players will have their name and  
  score recorded in the Breakdance Hall of Fame when you complete the Grand Lop
  Good luck and have fun breakin!                                              
   WALKTHRU'S BY DOC'S "R" US BBS 914-668-3664 OVER 100 ON-LINE 24 HOURS!!

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:41