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Spy vs Spy Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

             SPY VS. SPY
 Your mission is to escape the embassy
 . Top secret briefcase in hand. It
  is important to remember that all
  else is but aa mere distraction.
  Before time runs out, you must manag
 e to find, fill and keep the briefcas
 e, locate the only exit and board
  your place with all of the following
 : Passport, travelling Money, the
  Key and the secret Plans._
 Both players start with epual time
  to travel the maze, collect required
  objects, search for the briefcase
  aand exit the embassy before their
  plane takes off._
 With your Joystick or appropriate
  keys, move your cursor, up or down,
  to any of the options;_
      1. Number of players. _
      2. Difficulty level_
      3. Intelligence Quotient of
  the computer (one player version
      4. Airport exit revealed or
  hidden until the end._
 (I.Q. of the computer is only availab
 le in one player mode.)_
 Once your selections have been made,
  the Spacebar or Joystick button
  will begin the game._
 Movement - Pushing the Joystick forwa
 rd will move you towards the rear
  of the room. Pulling the Joystick
  back will bring you towards the
  front. Moving the joystick right
  or left will move you right or left.
  If you move from room to room, you
  will notice that a Movement Status
  Indicator bar (located below your
  room) is scrolling from right to
  left and being updated with each
  new room that you have entered.
  These symbols can show you how to
  go back to where you've come from.
  For example, if you move one room
  to the right aand two rooms back,
  you will see, reading from right
  to left, As you move, you Movement
  Indicator will scroll from left
  to right, deleting each arrow until
  you return to the room in which
  you started. _
  within range of any object (you
  will hear a short tone and see a
  flash). Then press the Joystick
  button. Any object found within
  a room can be opened or lifted and
  may reveal one of the hidden items
  you are looking for. If you're not
  so lucky, it will activate a Booby
  Trap, blowing you to smithereens..._
  OPENING DOORS - Again, move within
  a range of any closed door. Press
  the Joystick button and the door
  will open._
  Option Screen_
                     Run/Stop - To
  pause game play_
                     S - Press once
  n music off, again to turn it on
                     Space Bar - Press
  to start game._
 Simulplay - With the clock running
  at all times, we didn't think it
  was fair to make players wait to
  take turns. So, voila! Simulplay.
  Since both Spies' activities take
  place out in the open, the challenge
  becomes watching aand remembering
  what the other Spy does while you
  go about your business. Simulplay
  allows players to engage in club-to
  club combat, place booby-traps,
  chase each other and generally get
  in the way._
 Hand-to-Hand Combat - The combat
  mode exists only when both Spies
  are in the same room. Simulvision
  ends, and the Spy that entered the
  common room appears on the same
  screen as the Spy that was already
  there. Both Spies have the options
  of attacking, leaving, or avoiding
  the other Spy._
 In the combat mode, Sot search object
 s, or use the TRAPULATOR (six icons
  on the right hand side of the screen
 ) Doors, however, still work, aand
  so do any traps that might be connec
 ted to them. If Spies are not within
  range of any object when pushing
  the Joystick Button, they will wield
  clubs with which they can hit the
  other Spy on the head or jab him
  in the stomach. To smash him on
  the head, the button is held down
  while the Joystick is moved from
  the Up position to the Down position
  (swing the club downward). To jab,
  move the Joystick from left to right
  (or right to left, depending on
  which way the Spy iss facing). When
  the Joystick Button is first pushed
  down, the Spy will automatically
  face his opponent, regardless of
  which way he was facing or moving.
  To move your Spy during combat,
  release the button and move as norma
 Hitting the other Spy weakens him,
  and about 7 solid blows are needed
  to 'Kill' him. However, Spies will
  recover strenght over a period oofff
 If a Sppy is carrying anything when
  he enters a common room, the object
  is lost or hidden in the common
  room, depending on the type of objec
 t. Traps and remedies are lost, while
  inventory items and the briefcase
  are hidden somewhere in the room.
  The winner of the combat sequence
  can search the object ooooouuut,
  and either regain or gain possession
 NOTE; At thee beginning of each new
  game, both Spies will start out
  in the same room only a few steps
  from each other. So, don't become
  the victim of SAP-otage...keep your
  guard up._
 TIME - Bothe players start with equal
  time to travel the maze, collect
  required objects, search for the
  briefcase and exit the embassy befor
 e their plane takes off. However,
  there are several time penalties.
  You lose time when you set a booby-t
 rap. When setting a trap, you will
  hear several beeps. This will tell
  you that the trap was properly set
  and it reminds you to watch your
  Trapulator, which will be deduction
  the appropriate time._
 However, if you are the victim of
  a booby-trap or the loser in hand-to
 -hand combat the clock will continue
  to count down even though you are
  'unconscious'. These losses of time
  can never be regained. When time
  is about to run out the red button
  on top of the TRAPULATOR will flash
  and sound it's warning_
 Both players can never run out of
  time at the same time. There fore,
  one player will outlive the other.
  The surviving player will continue
  his search for the briefcase, requir
 ed objects and the exit. If you are
  playing against the computer and
  the computer hass  time remaining,
  you can abort the mission by pressin
 g (f5) key. Even after your Spy's
  demise, the traps he has set remain.
  The game is by no means over just
  because one player's time has run
  out. _
 To stop the game or pause, press
  the RUN/STOP key._
 BOOBY-TRAPS - As players move through
  the maze of rooms, they may select
  any of the five booby-traps. The
  booby-trap arsenal contains: bombs,
  springs, buckets of water, guns
  with Strings tied to the triggers
  and time bombs. The time bomb needn'
 t be hidden. In fact, it is activated
  immediately and is the only bobby-tr
 ap that cannot be carried or neeutral
 ized! The Gun with a String aand
  the Bucket of Water can only be
  attached to a closed door. All other
  traps may be placed behind oor in
  anything found in any room._
 Spies can carry traps in and out
  ooff rooms, placing them where they
  wish when they are ready. Booby-trap
 s are depicted in black, while the
  remedies are shown in color._
      1. Press the Joystick button...T
 WICE! You have just accessed the
  Trapulator. Observe the large arrow.
      2. Move the large arrow about
  the Trapulator using the Joystick
  or Keyboard arrows._
      3. Position the arrow over the
  booby-trap of your choice._
      4. Press the Joystick or if
  you are using the kdyboard, the
  Spacebar. The booby-trap is now
  held by your Spy. _
      5. Position the SPY in front
  of the hiding place you have selecte
      6. Watch for a brief flash in
  your Spy's room. This flash indicate
 s the spy is properly positioned._
      7. Press the Joystick Spacebar.
  The booby-trap will disapear and
  youu will hear the short beeps.
  These indicate that the trap has
  been set aannnd that time is being
  deducted from the time remaining
  before your flight leaves._
 NOTE: In the case of the Gun with
  a String trap, only the gun will
  no longer be visible. As you move
  your Spy about the room the will
  stretch and follow the Spy. Posittio
 n him in front of a closed door watch
  for the flash, press the Joystick/Sp
 acebar and the trap is set._
 Once a trap hass been set, EITHER
  Spy caann set it off! A Time Bomb
  will go off in 15 seconds once selec
 ted. Any Spy(s) in the room at the
  time of detonation will be zapped.
  Unlike other traps, the Time Bonb
  is not set off by the searching
  og the Spies. Listen carefully for
  them. They come in handy if you
  are being chased. The unfortunate
  Spy will lose 7 seconds ooffff actua
 l time. Also, 20 seconds will be
  deducted from his game time, for
  a total penalty of 27 gaming seconds
 . The other player will be awarded
  points for each trap set off by
  the opposition. If the boobytrapee
  had been in possesion of the briefca
 se, the other Spy can use this time
  to attempt to locate the victim
  and grab the briefcase.k To add
  insult to injury, when a player
  sets off a trap, he gets zapped
  while the other Spy laughs hysterica
 REMEDIES - Except for the Time bomb,
  each ooff the traps has a disarming
  remedy hidden throughout the maze.
  Each type of remedy is always hidden
  in the same type of location. For
  example, the scissors are used to
  disarm the Gun with a String. Scisso
 rs are only found in the First Aid
  kits hanging on the back walls.
  As with traps, remedies can be picke
 d up and carried from room to room.
  Spies can NOT carry more than one
  thing at a time except inside the
 bomb -  everywhere -water - red fire_
        except with  bucket  box on_
           door              left_
 _                           wall_
 spring -everywhere -wire  - white_
        except with  cutters tool_
 water - door only -umbrela- coat_
 bucket                      rack_
 gun   - door only -scisors- first_
 with                        aid kit_
 string                      on wall_
 time -  anywhere  - none! - n/a_
 TRAPULATOR - Located to the right
  of each of the rooms is a calculator
 -like, state of the art, Trapulator.
  It serves four basic functions.
  You can use it to Select Booby-Traps
 : pinpoint your Location, gauge your
  Time remaining and check INVENTORY._
 Across the top of the Trapulator
  is a digital clock which indicates
  the time left until your plane takes
  off (with or without you)! Below
  the clock are 6 buttons. On the
  first 5, selectable booby-traps
  are indicated. However, the sixth
  button in the lower right-hand corne
 r calls up a map of the embassy you
  have broken into. The maapppp will
  appear in the room that your Spy
  is occupying. The room your Spy
  is in will be the one blinking on
  and off. Rooms filled in with a
  color indicate that your Spy has
  been in that room at least once.
  Any required inventory item or how
  many are in a particular room, just
  that something you are looking for
  is there. Finally, the Trapulator
  displays items you have successfully
  collected as you ready your escape.
  It also indicates if an item has
  been taken from you. The item will
  now appear on the opposition's Trapu
 lator. Across the buttom, left to
  right, should be your passport,
  money, key and the secret plans.
  The map does NOT show the location
  of the other Spy, nor does it revea
 l anything about the other floor
  the embassy (if there is one)._
 INVENTORY - Your mission being to
  escape the embassy, Top Secret brief
 case in hand, it is important to
  remember that all else is but a
  mere distraction. Before time runs
  out you must manage to find, fill
  aand keep the briefcase, locate
  the only exit and board your plane
  with ALL of the following: PASSPORT,
  traveling MONEY, the KEY and the
  secret PLANS._
 It is helpful to know that these
  items are never found in any of
  the remedy locatins. Use the briefca
 se to hold all these items. Carry
  them with you or hide them. There
  is only one of each in any game.
  Protect the briefcase at all costs.
  If an item is found aannd you do
  not posses the briefcase you spy
  will be carrying a white satchel
  and the item contained will be flash
 ing on the Trapulator._
 EXIT - There is only one way out
  of each embassyy building. The exit
  door is marked. You can NOT leave
  without all of the required inventor
 y. The airport security guard will
  see to that!_
  embassy buidings are two stories
  high. Your Spy can climb from floor
  to floor by using the ladders. Holes
  in the floors are often hidden by
  carpets. Use the Joystick or Spaceba
 r to cover/uncover such an opening.
  Use the Joystick or Keyboard to
  move up or down._
 LADDERS AND RUGS - If you enter a
  room with a ladder, you can activate
  it by moving within range and pressi
 ng the Joystick button. Pressing
  the Joystick button once will lower
  the ladder to ground level, enabling
  you to move your spy up the ladder
  to the upper floor. If you do not
  push you spy up the ladder but push
  the joystick button a second time,
  the ladder will raise back up. To
  climb up or down, tap you Joystick
  once in the appropriate direction.
  The Spy will move by himself. Do
  NOT keep the Joystick forward or
  back. If you enter a room with a
  rug, standing within range of the
  rug, pressing the Joystick button
  wil lift the rug and reveal a hole.
  Move your player ove the hole and
  he will climb down the ladder to
  a lower floor. You can cover a hole
  by standing near it and again pressi
 ng the Joystick button._
 BREAD CRUMBS - You can re-trace your
  steps by using the small character
  indicators just below the front
  edge of your room. These guides
  (not availabel in the higher levels)
   actually point the way back to
  where you have just come from! The
  indicators and their meanings are
  as follows:_
      > take the door on the Right
  to go back one room_
      < take the door on the Left
  to go back one room_
      arrow down - take the door in
  the Front of the room to go back
  one room_
      ^ - take the door in
  the Back of the room to go back
  one room_
      (circle) - go Down the hole
  in the floor to go back one room_
      (ladder) go UP the ladder to
  go back one room_

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Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:31