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Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

Whistler's Brother Docs

I've retained the original formatting so you may have to adjust it to get the file to display and/or print correctly. Noisy phone lines caused the occasional glitch or truncated file. I replaced some, but not all, instances of line noise with "[ERROR]" where applicable.

                     W H I S T L E R ' S   B R O T H E R

Getting Started
Plug your stick into port 2 and press the joystick button. To skip through the high score screen, press the Sp@‰ˆIˆ‹•„„IŠ‹Œ‹„JŒˆŽ‹ŠŒ‰Œ‹ˆ‹ŽŠ‹ŠŒˆŽˆ‹ŠŠ•ˆ‹/left/right. You can increase your speed in any direction by moving your joystick diagonally.
The joystick button lets you whistle and whirl.
Whistling will deep your brother safe at your side; whenever you whistle he will try to move in the same direction as you. (Your direction of travel is indicated by the arrow in the status line.) The farther away your brother strays the more vulnerable you will both become. If you let him wander too far, he will turn white with fear and you will be cautio
ˆˆ‰ŽŠŒe music to get him closer to your side.
Whirling will pave a path before your feet and allow yoou to become impervious to the many dangers that lie ahead. You'll be able to whirl only when you are moving horizontally and only after you€Œˆ‹ˆ‹ˆŠ‹Œˆ‹ˆˆŠŒˆ two tools from the current screen. The hammers, picks, shovels and other tools blink on the screen.

The Game
The story began years ago on the campus of a large university. You were a first-year student who spent more time learning how to sufi dance with a local whirling dervish than studying. Your brother, whiule always a bit more clumsy and scatterbrained than you, somehow managed to graduate with a doctorate and was immediately offered a research position in the archaeology department.
Trouble began when your brother returned from a year-long research expedition in the rain forests of South America. Not only did he return without any of the tools he'd borrowed from the university, but he had no notes documenting how he had spent his year.
Out of concern for your brother's future and intrigued by his repeated mumbling about priceless ancient artifacts, you decide to retrace his steps. Your hopes are to recover his misplaced documents and perhaps get your hands on a few of the artifacts.
When you step onto the boat boound for the South you discover just how scatterbrained your brother is. You'll find yourself having to 	ŠŒŠˆŒŒŽ‹ŒŒ‹ŠŒˆŠˆˆŠŒŒŒˆŠŽŠ‹‹Œˆˆ•••ˆˆŠŠ‰Œˆ‹Œ‘‹‹ˆŽ•„NŠ‹‰‹ŠŒˆ‹‹‘Š‰ˆŽŠ‹ŒŽŠ‹‰ŒˆŒ•NŠ‘ŒŒ‹‰ˆˆˆˆŒŒng with deadly arrows, runaway boulders, leaping frogs, mysterious mummies, and an assortment of other dangers. It is only when thil‰‹‰ˆ‰Œˆˆ‰ŒŠŠŒŠ‰ŒŠŒˆŠŽŠ‘ŒŒ‹ˆŒˆŒ‰ˆ‹”Œ‰ŽŠˆ‹ˆ‹Œ‹ˆ”ŠŒˆ‹‹ˆ‹‰ŠŒˆˆˆ‹‹Œ‹Œ—‘KŒˆ‰‰‹ŠŒ‰‰‹Šˆ‰Œˆ‹‹‰acing foes: Whirl!

Score. You can earn points in a number of ways. Here are the various point values:
         Retrieving small artifacts              100 pts.
         Retrieving medium artifacts             150 pts.
         Retrieving large artifacts              300 pts.
         Retrieving each tool                    100 pts.
         Protecting yourself or your brother     300 pts.
         Retrieving a chapter of your brother's
           document (completing a level)         800 ptsl

You begin the game with five lives and will gain another life each time you earn 10,000 points. The number of your remaining lives appears next to the man in the status line.
The university insists that you retrieve the two tools that your brother left behind in each location. You will not be able to whirl and protect your brother until you have recovered them. Each tool you find will be worth 100 points and will be placed in the status line when you find it.
Directional Indicator. 
Your brother will try to travel in the same direction that you are traveling when you whistle. The arrow in the status line indicates this direction.
You will be traveling through 13 game chapters in search of the 13 chapters of lŠ‹‰‹ŠŒer's document.
After completing all 13 chapters of the game, you can replay it up to 16 times. Each time you complete all the chapters, the level number will increase, as will the challenge!

Taking a break. 
You can freeze the game at any time by pressing the f3 key. Also resume the game with the f3 key.
Adjusting the music volume
Press the f1 key to adjust the volume of the background music.
Starting ow[ERROR]ter 1: The Docks
Get the Doctor to Pier 15. Make sure you fill in any holes in your path before trying to cross!
Chapter 2: The Sailing Ship
Beware of passing gulls and any arrows or spears used against you by mutinous crew members.
Chapter 3: The Jungle
Find your way through the jungle and get to the bridge crossing the river. Look out for the marauding jungle animals. You are likely to find that the Doctor likes to monkey around in the jungle.
Chapter 4: The Strange Tomb[ERROR]ssist you as you may battle mummies and other keepers of the tomb. Giant frogs may be helpful, though.
Chapter 5: The Inner Tomb
Remember the rule about checking a ladder before you step onto it ? You'd better!
Chapter 6: PŒˆKŽˆŒIŒˆŒ‰ˆ‹„LŠ‹‰Š‹ˆˆ‹Šre in here! Better not be too greedy, though. Keep the Doctor close behind.
Chapter 7: The Swamps
Watch the Doctor around here! You wouldn't want to let him lose his footing on a slippery tree trunk. Keep him extrˆ‰Œ‹ˆ‹ŒˆŽŠ‹ŠŠŒ‹Š‰ŒŠŒˆŒˆ‹ŠŠ‹ˆes.
Chapter 8: The Cliff Village 
These guys really know how to throw a spear. You've got to be quick and precise. Now they are starting to roll boulders from above!
Chapter 9: The Cliffs
Now you've really got the na[ERROR]n ever! It might be easier to just keep the Doctor somewhere safe while you do the searching. Cliff villagers sometimes hide treasures under aqueducts, I hear.
Chapter 10: The Cave 
Speed is of the essence. Watch out for the dreaded red spiders.
Chapter 11: The Mines
What's that death-like skull on the wall supposed to mean? You aren't scared, are you? If not, you might as well keep collecting treasures. Ignore the cave dwellers, if you can.
Chapter 12: HŒˆLˆ‹ˆIˆ‹ˆ„Iˆ‹ˆ‹ˆ‰ŠŒˆˆ‹ŒŒŒˆ‹ˆ”ˆ‹ˆŒŒŒ‰J‹lls. They will reach out and attack if their treasures are disturbed.
Chapter 13: The Ship Home
Be careful. The persistent mummy contmlŠˆ‹ŠˆˆŠˆ‹Œ‰ŒŒ‹ˆ‹ŠŒˆŠ‹ˆˆ‹Š‹ˆ‹ŠŒˆŠŽŠ‹‰ˆ‹‹Ž•IˆŠ‰‰ŠŒˆ‰ˆŠˆ‹‹ˆ‹Š‹‹Œ‰Œˆ•NŠ‹ŒŠŒˆ‹Œ‹‹ˆŒŠŒ‰ to greet you.

If you achieve a new high score, a high score roster will appear on the screen at the game's end. You will then be permitted to enter up to six characters next to you score and the chapter and level completed. Make sure that your shift lock is off. If you make an error in your typing, you can use the Delete key to make a correction. Press RETURN to save your high score to disk.

Ailanthus Tree: Login | Users | Commands | Messages | Chat | Hang
Magpie BBS: Messages | Users | Commands
Misc BBSes: Aerogram | Bonsai Tree | Mofo | NYCENET | Riverdale | Misc Messages
ASCII Art: Nude | Jane | Femme | Spock | Kirk | Nixon
Game Docs: Archon II | Breakdance | Bruce Lee | Cutthroats | Dallas Quest | Deadline | Flight Sim 2
Hitchhikers Guide | Incredible Hulk | Infidel | Kennedy Approach | Mask of the Sun | M.U.L.E.
Pastfinder | Pinball Construction Set | Raid on Bungeling Bay | Raid over Moscow | Rescue on Fractalus
Seven Cities of Gold | Sonar Search | Spy vs Spy | Whistler's Brother
Util Docs: Blitz Compiler | Designer's Pencil | Easy Script | Kwik-Write | Micromon
Movie Maker | Paperclip | Perspectives | Wordpro 3 Plus/64 | Wolfenstein
Philes: 1541 Alignment | 976 Numbers | Mainframes | Sysops' Bible
Drugs | Knock-Out Drops | Lock Picking | Radar Jamming | Thermite

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Copyright © 2025 by Kim Moser (email)
Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:33