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Ailanthus Tree: Meaningless Hang
Transcript from a "meaningless hang" on the Ailanthus Tree |
Message #23573 from JOHN COWAN at 11-Sep-84 19:04:35 The Ultimate PseudoChat Foofooraw, from the days before Chat Mode.... This gives you an idea of what the >>>>MEANINGLESS HANG<<< looked like before I invented Chat Mode itself..... JOE ZITT: Holy Cow! As of right now 8 people are on the Tree simultaneously! SINGER: HOW DO YOU KNOW IT'S 8? IT DOES SEEM KINDA SLOW NOW TOO... JOE ZITT: I, being the Great and Terrible Oz, have access to system programs beyond the realm of mere mortals... SINGER: I BEG YOUR FORGIVENESS, OH GREAT AND WONDERFUL ONE WHO CONTROLS THE CPU! JOE ZITT: Fear not. I am all-merciful. SINGER: NOW THAT I HAVE AN AUDIENCE WITH THE BOSS (?), WHAT KIND OF SYSTEM IS THIS RUNNING ON? JOE ZITT: A Tandem. See Msg #2716. SINGER: ENLIGHTENING. IS THE MANUFACTURER 'TANDEM'? AS IN TANDEM 'TXP' PARALLEL PROCESSORS? (CLAIM 2 B FASTER THAN THE CRAY 1)! JOE ZITT: Yup, them's the folks. We're on a "TNS II", tho we have a TXP, too! SINGER: WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? TRIP OVER YOUR MODEM WIRE? YOU MISSED MY ENCOUNTER WITH THE CENTIPEDE! KIM MOSER: And you suddenly started talking about ...computers (not centipedes) with someone else. JOE ZITT: Sorry, got carried away with another program. I'm back. KIM MOSER: Ok, but so is the bug... SINGER: WAS I THE OTHER GUY? DO YOU KNOW HOW THE TERM 'BUG' CAME ABOUT (AS IN SYSTEM BUG)? KIM MOSER: look at # 11280. How can you be 2 people [bugs?] at once? Not logical, captain. HUGH: How can you be in two places at once, when you're not anywhere at all? KIM MOSER: I dunno. Ask God. SINGER: I DON'T KNOW, BUT THIS SUCKER'S IN ANOTHER DIMENSION NOW...BETWEEN MY HEEL AND A HARD PLACE... KIM MOSER: I shudder to think what the hard place is. SINGER: WHY DO THEY NEED ALL THOSE LEGS! HOW DID IT GET PAST MY SOPHISTICATED ALARM SYSTEM! KIM MOSER: There was a bug in it, of course! HUGH: If we didn't have all these legs, all those hip joints would be wasted! ENVER HOXHA: GATO, huh? I think we won't forget this one....lessee, mebbe L. GATO.... KIM MOSER: Maybe... JOE ZITT: Hmmm... Try to remember... KIM MOSER: ..those days in September... JOE ZITT: ...when thoughts were blurred and brains were jello... KIM MOSER: ...The buck stops here. JOE ZITT: Not all Gatos are Barbierians! SINGER: WHAZZITT (NO PUN IN THERE!) 'DIS TING 'GATO' ??? JOE ZITT: G.reat A.nd T.errible O.z ! SINGER: HOW IGNOBLE, UN-INTELLIGENT OF ME! WHAT A DISPLAY A FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS... JOE ZITT: Thou art forgiven. KIM MOSER: And I though it stood for GATOrade! SINGER: OUR HOSTAGE MR. CENT I. PEDE HAS REVIVED! OPENED A BLEARY EYE, PEEKED AT HIS CAPTOR AND LAPSED SEMI-CONSCIOUS AGAIN. HUGH: I walk! I talk! I crawl on my belly like a reptile! KIM MOSER: You also type like a computer programmer. How about a job at Atari? HUGH: If you knew what I knew (drool, drool, pray...) KIM MOSER: Please explain. You might be in for a nasty shock. HUGH: What kinda shock? Are you >really< with Atari? KIM MOSER: Are you nuts? Atari is a bunch of dumb centipede-lovers. HUGH: Watch it, or I'll report you to the NAACL (National Assoc. For Advancement of Centipede Lovers)! KIM MOSER: Read this msg... Did you know that if you put centipedes on railroad tracks, they will walk along them until the train hits them? It's true! Last summer I set up a whole troop of centipedes walking along the track. And then there were none. JOE ZITT: The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah... KIM MOSER: ...the little one stopped to suck his thumb... HUGH: Thumb? What's a thumb? We don't even have toes !!! KIM MOSER: A thumb is that thing on your ear. KIM MOSER: Me......[yawn!] play...... KIM MOSER: everyone chickened (centipeded?) out, huh? JOHN COWAN: Just who is this Barbier? JOE ZITT: Probably a Sevillian. GREGORY COHEN: YOU USED THAT QUOTE WITH ME ALSO, I THINK YOU ARE LOOSING YOUR ORIGINALITY. ENVER HOXHA: The snowtire stud routine was a retread, too, but.... ....on the whole I think he's a pretty original GATO. RED RABBIT: Did you know that Gato is an obscene word on one the planes I exist on? ENVER HOXHA: Yeah, that's why they invented the GATO Raid. But in Spanish el gato is "the cat". SINGER: SOMEWHAT, I GUESS. GOD THIS >HUGH< BUG JUST WALKED IN. HANG ON....!!!! KIM MOSER: Make that "huge". HUGH: Give my regards to Gregor Samsa. SINGER: SHOULD I TERMINATE IT'S EXISTENCE AT THIS MOMENT? KIM MOSER: Flip a coin...I got it......Tails! He's dead meat! SINGER: HAHAHAHA W E G O T H I M !!!!! ONE OF THESE CENTIPEDE THINGS...THEY REALLY MOVE FAST!!! KIM MOSER: Probably a Centipede from Atari. HUGH: Naw, I exist in many dimensions, many bodies... I am all bugdom! SINGER: WELL, ONE OF YOUR BODIES IS SQUISHED ON MY CARPET. PERHAPS IT'S FROM ATARI? I PROMISE! I WON'T BUY THAT MAC! KIM MOSER: Oh, wow! A bug with a computer! [Lots of room for puns there!] HUGH: It's a mehitabel job, but someone's gotta do it! SINGER: A >WHAT< JOB? JOE ZITT: Mehitabel: A large furry animal, prone to defending bugs. Not to be mistaken for a meatloaf. KIM MOSER: Ever heard of Archy and Mehitabel? JOE ZITT: Who hasn't? KIM MOSER: Obviously Singer hadn't. And if you're so smart, who are they? JOE ZITT: archy: a writer reincarnated as a cockroach. See #11285 for Mehitabel. SINGER: I FEEL >SO< UNEDUCATED! DIDN'T KAFKA WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS SUBJECT? KIM MOSER: Speaking of which, there's a game called Caverns of Kafka. SINGER: I STILL HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO FINISH 'RAAKA-TU' AND I REALLY DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THOSE THINGS ANYWAY KIM MOSER: Oh, I see. Mr. Sophisticated has no time to stoop to the pleasures of mortal man. SINGER: NO NO ! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SOUND SUPERIOR AND STUCK-UP. I JUST HAD A HARD SEMESTER, WITH LITTLE TIME FOR >MORTAL PLEASURES<. KIM MOSER: Ok, I apologise. SINGER: ACCEPTED. THIS GUY STILL APPEARS COMATOSE. SHOULD WE DO AN AUTOPSY? KIM MOSER: Lemme get my chain-saw. You got an axe? SINGER: I'VE GOT A HAMMER-DRILL...WE COULD DO A LOBOTOMY. WONDER WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT? HUGH: I die and yet I live. The heels of humanity cannot stop my ubiquitous spirit! KIM MOSER: Just hold still a minute and say that!!! HUGH: Holding still is meaningless to a multidimensional being! KIM MOSER: Leaving messages to unseen bugs at 2:00 in the morning is meaningless. JOE ZITT: Whaddaya mean, meaningless? (Loop, loop). SINGER: WELL, ONE OF YOUR RELATIVES HAS BEEN SEVERELY DEPRESSED IN ONE OF HIS DIMENSIONS. HE HAS EXPANDED IN THE OTHERS, THOUGH. JOE ZITT: "I'm crushed!" he said, flatly. KIM MOSER: "That's not funny", he said laughingly. SINGER: A UNI-DIMENSIONAL BEING OFFERED ON THE ALTAR OF HUMAN MISUNDERSTANDING.... KIM MOSER: man, what are you smoking? SINGER: HECK..I DON'T KNOW..JUST PUT ON SOME FLOYD..AND TOOK A PUFF..AND THEN POOOF!! IN CAME THE PINK CENTIPEDES! KIM MOSER: Let me get this straight--you started smoking records??? SINGER: KINDA PUTS A NEW SPIN ON THINGS NO? JUST HARD FIT IN YOUR MOUTH... JOE ZITT: Nah, smoking records have been around a long time. Remember "Don't Bogart that Joint?" KIM MOSER: Is that Bogart, as in Humphrey? JOE ZITT: Derivation uncertain. Paging Enver Hoxha! KIM MOSER: As in "call for Philip Morris?" JOE ZITT: Paging Mr. Sharkey -- white courtesy phone... KIM MOSER: Holy centipedes, Batman! It's the hotline to the Commissioner's office! SINGER: NO FLOPPIES FOR ME...I GOT ME SOME HI-GRADE PLATTERS. THAT WINCHESTER GUY KNOWS HIS BUSINESS!!! DOUBLE DENSITY STUFF HERE! KIM MOSER: But isn't it hard to roll them? JOE ZITT: They're round, aren't they? KIM MOSER: They're FLAT, too, dodo. And how do you roll a 3-dimensional object in more than one diminsion at once? JOE ZITT: Forward and downhill. KIM MOSER: If that turns you on, go right ahead. JOE ZITT: ...and turn left at the blinking turtle. SINGER: NYNEX MUST >LOVE< THESE BBS THINGS. GOD KNOWS WHAT MY PHONE BILL WILL BE LIKE THIS MONTH HUGH: It's all a human plot! ENVER HOXHA: A little centipede, Hugh, more! KIM MOSER: "...then my name isn't Alexander Graham...NYNEX!" JOE ZITT: ...and I thought "NYNEX, NYNEX" was how Mork said "Nobody home"! KIM MOSER: That guy's a fraud. Just yesterday I saw him in a movie and he was pretending to be from Russia. SINGER: TO ROLL A HARD DISK, SIMPLY INSERT IT INTO A PIPE-DRIVE, AND YOU'LL BE IN HIGH-RAM INSTANTLY! KIM MOSER: NOW what are you smoking? A LOGO disk? JOE ZITT: Cogito LOGO ergo DRAW. KIM MOSER: "Juglito ergo sum" --- Who said that?? JOE ZITT: The Flying Karamazov Brothers, of course! SINGER: YE ALL KEN GO SPEAK LATIN, I'LL JUST TRY TO LEARN A LITTLE CENTIPEDIAN (CENTIPEDEISH?) HUGH: Not easy for a human. It's mostly body language. We talk with our feet. SINGER: I DO HAVE A HOSTAGE...SLOW AMUTATION OF JUST A FEW LEGS SHOULD HAVE HIM ALL READY TO TALK...(VEE HAFF VAYS....) HUGH: He is but a bare shell. I have drained his mind into a remote body. I am everywhere. KIM MOSER: I know someone who once turned a daddy-long-legs into a daddy-no-legs. SINGER: CRUEL AND UNUSUAL! I USED TO GAS YELLOW JACKS! I ONCE GAVE A CAT SOME VALIUM...SLEPT FOR A >GOOD< TWO DAYS! KIM MOSER: Wait a minute! Dagmar's cat Elizabeth got chloroformed and lived! SINGER: IT WAS PRETTY NASTY...POOR THING JUST KEELED OVER....TRIED SMELLING SALTS...JUST SNEEZED, AND RESUMED SLEEP MODE. KIM MOSER: But that cat was dying! Don't YOU remember Momma? SINGER: WELL, OURS JUST WENT INTO LIMBO FOR A WHILE...THEY GET DRUNK TOO...EVER SEE A DRUNK CAT?? KIM MOSER: No, but I've seen a stoned one. Damn thing nearly got me killed. SINGER: SURE, WHAT DO YOU THINK CATNIP IS? AND WHAT DO YOU THINK MAKES 'EM GO CHOW-CHOW-CHOW? SPEED, MAN. KIM MOSER: Catnip??? REALLY??? Wow, where's a pet store?? SINGER: THERE'S ONE ON KINGS HIGHWAY THAT SELLS TARANTULAS AND PIRANAHS AND SNAKES ..ETC. WILD PLACE. KIM MOSER: How stoned can you get on a tarantula? JOE ZITT: It's not the spider that gets you... it's the recovery dance! KIM MOSER: Piranas have a real BITE to them. SINGER: YOU CAN GET KINKY WITH A SLINKY. SNAKE. KIM MOSER: Like Nastassia Kinsky and the snake? JOE ZITT: How depressing. Nasty K's got an outie... KIM MOSER: [01/23/1997: Gratuitous, offensive statement deleted; my apologies --K.M.] HUGH: You ever see the one of Chris Atkins in similar pose? KIM MOSER: No, I don't get those magazines. HUGH: 'tis pity. KIM MOSER: Actually, I publish them. SINGER: HAVING WOKEN TO FIND MY NOSE LODGED BETWEEN THE G & H KEYS, METHINKS IT WOULD BE MOST ADVISBLE TO TERMINATE MESELF.. SINGER: GOODNIGHT JOE, KIM, HUGH, ENVER AND EVERYBODY ELSE STILL ALIVE.. KIM MOSER: Good MORNING, Singer. What's for breakfast? JOE ZITT: Good night, Jon Boy... and good night for NBC news... SINGER: PROCESSOR HAS REQUESTED AN INTERRUPT..CPU HAS REACHED SATURATION..PERFORMANCE IS DEGRADED..MUST DISCONNECT... SINGER: WHAT DO YOU THINK OUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SYSOP WILL DO WITH ALL THESE UNCATEGORIABLE(SP?) MESSAGES!? JOE ZITT: Eventually, it will all go into the "PseudoChats" section of obsolete silliness. KIM MOSER: Put them in the circular file. KIM MOSER: By the way, do you know Floyd? KIM MOSER: "Computerese" KIM MOSER: Tell me something you don't know. [heh heh] SINGER: HEH HEH...CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING I DON'T KNOW...HMMM.... KIM MOSER: But how do you know that you can't think of anything you don't know? SINGER: HAVING SCANNED ALL THE ACTIVE CEREBRUMS IN THE VICINITY..IT SEEMS THAT ALL KNOWLEDGE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY SPOOLED IN... JOE ZITT: The filght velocity of an unladen sparrow? KIM MOSER: Australian or European sparrow? SINGER: HIT A CTRL-G (BELL) . SYSTEM BOMBED ON ME. GET A MOON-TAN NOW. KIM MOSER: I don't quite follow. ENVER HOXHA: Maybe >that's< what the Firesign Theatre should have called it. ENVER HOXHA: Yes, it is, as you no doubt know quite well. Does it make you feel old when.... say "don't bogart that joint" and your listener doen't recognize the reference? JOE ZITT: But how did the term "bogart" arise? KIM MOSER: Same way "shamus" did. ENVER HOXHA: From the way Bogey always used to smoke his cigarettes. SINGER: NOW CASSETTES...WELL...LET ME TELL YOU !! CASSETTES ARE JUST ONE FERRI-CHROME HIGH-BIAS HIGH! KIM MOSER: How about diskettes? JOE ZITT: Eh. Those 3-inch things the Mac uses don't even getcha buzzed. KIM MOSER: How about 50-meg hard disks? They really get you spinning. SINGER: BELIEVE IT GUY! YOUV'E HAD YOUR LAST STAND! IT'S CENTIPEDE HEAVEN FROM HERE ON. PERHAPS ATARI WOULD HIRE YOU? KIM MOSER: Naah, he already tried out for Space Invaders and got rejected. HUGH: Besides, I've got enough trouble thinking in 3D. Imagine me on a 2D screen... maybe not even hi-res! SINGER: ENOUGH FRIVOLITY! HOW DO YOU THINK MRS. MILLY PEDE FEELS AT THIS MOMENT!? SHOW SOME COMPASSION FOR LEGGY BEINGS(?). KIM MOSER: I think she's having an affair with Ray D. O'Shack. JOE ZITT: Sort of. See Beetle Bailiwick SIG #9416. KIM MOSER: Something like that. ENVER HOXHA: Yes, I think >definitely< L. GATO.... KIM MOSER: Lawrence GATO, esq. KIM MOSER: Tell me, weren't you in my word processor a few days ago? HUGH: Savoir Faire is everywhere! 1 * A marvelous example of free association - Freud would have loved it. 2 * Now all you folks w/o a BREAK key know what a sysop's night with Chattext is like. |
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Last modified: Fri 02 February 2007 18:23:59 |